[VIDEO] CDC: 4,500 People a Month Enter the USA From Ebola Countries


President Obama says that there is no need to ban travel for people coming from those African countries stricken with an outbreak of the Ebola virus. But now the CDC has had to admit that some 4,500 people a month come here from those very countries.

Of course, Obama has said that there is no danger at all that Ebola could come here–until it did in the now dead patient in Texas. Then he suddenly changed his tune and decided to begin testing for Ebola at five international airports inside the USA. This was essentially an admission that he was wrong about the danger.

But even this testing is likely going to be ineffective.

Anyway, how is it possible to say there is no danger when over 4,500 people are arriving here from Africa every month?

Both Homeland Security Secretary Secretary Jeh Johnson and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden said on Wednesday that 150 people a day arrive in the United States from Liberia, Sierra Leone or Guinea, the three West African countries that have been hit by the Ebola virus.

“When somebody travels from one of those three West African countries, even through a transit point (in Europe), we know where they’re coming from. So we’re able to track this. And we know that on average it’s about 150 passengers a day,” Johnson told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

The number of travelers is relatively small. We’re talking about 150 per day,” Frieden told a news conference on Wednesday. He announced that questionnaires and temperature checks will begin at five major U.S. airports that handle “95 percent of all the 150 travelers per day who arrive from these three countries.”

- See more at: http://www.libertynews.com/2014/10/v....cZnqFwZd.dpuf