
The F.L.I.P. Principles

The F.L.I.P. Principles provide a clear and concise philosophical foundation for the Flip The House effort. These Principles are rooted in the founding of our nation and seek to guide our nation in restoring the founding ideals of liberty and limited government.

We propose that every candidate for elected office support these F.L.I.P. Principles:

F-Free Markets
Perhaps never before has the ideal of the free market been under assault. The rising tide of statism and the nationalization of industry are undermining the free market upon which our prosperity and our American dream are founded. Flip This House boldly calls for a return to the ideal of the Free Market.

L-Limited Government
The founders of this nation designed into the very structure of our Constitution strict limits on the power and authority of federal government. They feared what we face -- an ever-expanding federal state that ultimately consumes all liberties. In order to FLIP This House, we must return to a more humble and constitutional view of the power of the federal government.

I-Individual & Family Liberties
In today’s politically correct world, our entire conception of “rightsâ€