Obama's Judicial Agenda

by Manuel Miranda

01/12/2009 Print This

Want to know Obama’s judicial agenda? Just take a look at the American Constitution Society’s (ACS) agenda.

If you haven’t heard of the ACS, you probably were just getting familiar with their conservative counterpart, the Federalist Society.

The Federalist Society -- an association of conservative and libertarian lawyers -- grew so successful since their founding in 1982 that by 2001, the beginning of the conservative legal movement’s peak in influence, liberals realized they needed a counterpart. Enter the American Constitution Society (a George Soros-funded organization). Continued

President-elect Barack Obama has just named Lisa Brown, the ACS’s executive director, to be his White House Staff Secretary, a position once held by Harriet Miers (see Who Harriet Myers Is Not). Also, ACS Board member Eric Holder has been named to be the next Attorney General.

Professor Cass Sunstein of the University of Chicago has been at the center of the radical left for many years, and he was the godfather of the Senate Democrat’s obstruction of Bush judicial nominees. He promotes himself as President-elect Obama’s judicial advisor.

If the past is any guide, all three of these lawyers and advocates of the ACS may be on the Obama short list for a Supreme Court vacancy, given Democrat dominance of the Senate.
Although the ACS’s law school chapters are still playing catch up in numbers with the Federalist society, its membership will soon blossom. It now has friends in the White House and the Justice Department.

Despite the imaging, the similarities between the two legal groups, in fact, are few. The Federalist Society gained its stature at a time when law faculties first became dominated by liberals advocating now-discredited “Critical Legal Studiesâ€