'Manchurian President' riding high on Amazon

Klein's explosive Obama exposé hits Savage Monday, Hannity Tuesday

Posted: May 01, 2010
11:40 pm Eastern
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – A new book documenting devastating new indictments of Barack Obama's associations with extremists, throughout his early life and continuing through his administration, debuts Monday with a radio interview of the author on Michael Savage's nationally syndicated show, followed by a national television appearance on Sean Hannity's Fox News program Tuesday.

It's called "The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socia... by Aaron Klein, WND's Jerusalem bureau chief.

Even before the official release, the book is riding high on Amazon's list of bestsellers and in high demand in bookstores throughout the country.

"If you think you know all about Barack Obama, think again," says Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND and WND Books, the publisher of "The Manchurian President." "This book will prove to be a wakeup call to millions in America about the deep and long-standing ties of the man in the White House to causes and people that are anathema to everything for which America stands. Trust me, it's a lot worse than anyone previously understood."

The book is the result of years of investigative reporting by Klein and co-author Brenda J. Elliott.

While Klein has been responsible for breaking some of the biggest stories about Obama and his administration, including the Van Jones scandal, the Bill Ayers connection and Hamas' endorsement of Obama during the campaign, this explosive new book contains dozens of meticulously documented but previously unreported scandals about Obama and other White House officials including top czars and senior advisers Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod.

"The Manchurian President" also unmasks, exclusively, important aspects of Obama's carefully covered-up college years, with new details of his student career at Occidental College and later at Columbia University.

Obama's associations with the Nation of Islam, Black Liberation Theology and black political extremists are also revealed, with extensive new information on the subjects.

Also detailed are Obama's deep ties to ACORN, which are much more extensive than previously documented elsewhere.

The book crucially describes how a socialist-led, ACORN-affiliated union helped facilitate Obama's political career and now exerts major influence in the White House.

In one chapter, the book unmasks the extremists among Obama's "czars" and other top advisers, including new information linking Axelrod and Jarrett to communist activists.

The many issues pertaining to Obama's eligibility to be president are carefully examined and given a much more extensive analysis than in previous works, including questions about Obama's birth documentation and whether or not he legally qualifies as a "natural-born citizen" according to the U.S. Constitution.

"The Manchurian President" also exposes how Obama's health-care policy, masked by moderate populist rhetoric, was pushed along and partially crafted by extremists, some of whom reveal in their own words that their principal aim is to achieve corporate socialist goals and a vast increase in government powers.

"I believe this work is crucial to Americans from across the political spectrum," says Klein, "including mainstream Democrats who should be alarmed that their party has been hijacked by an extreme-left fringe bent on permanently changing the party to fit its radical agenda.

"Indeed, this book will document, with new information, Obama's own involvement with a socialist party whose explicit goal was to infiltrate and eventually take over the Democratic Party and mold it into a socialist organization," Klein claims.

Klein began investigating Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign and broke major national stories. He first exposed the politician's association with Ayers in a widely circulated WND article.

That story prompted the Nation magazine to lament, via the CBS News website, that "mainstream reporters now call the Obama campaign to ask about Klein's articles."
