Currency Extinction Event: Collapse By Christmas *Video*

Author: Mac Slavo
March 2nd, 2011
Comments 101

Micro-doc producer SGT Bull and guest Michael Woody O’Brien discuss the seriousness of middle east oil supply issues, hyperinflation and how we may see a full-on collapse by the end of the year. In this two part interview, a variety of additional topics are brought up, including the importance of preparedness in the event of a currency extinction event, as well as the rumor that the United States has tendered an agreement giving China the right to exercise Emminent Domain as payment for debts.

O’Brien: I’m kind of where John Williams is with Shadow Stats right now. I think his economic numbers of where the inflation is right now is the most accurate thing we have. I find myself saying if we get to $150 to $200 a barrel oil…

SGT Bull: It’s over

O’Brien: I think it’s already over for the economy. The numbers are faker than a three dollar bill or Pamela Anderson’s chest. I think that, at the end of the day, I can’t see how we get to this Christmas in anything that resembles the status quo.

This is one of those kind of questions, I know everybody asks this and everybody wants to answer. And, if it would help people get prepared, I would tell everybody, it could be Monday.

SGT Bull: It doesn’t matter, we just know it’s coming. The biggest blessing we have is if you know it’s coming, but it ain’t here yet, we’ve got time. And that’s the biggest blessing we have at this point. If tomorrow’s another day to go out to Sam’s Club and buy three bags of rice to prepare, then great.

O’Brien: I think the focus people need to have right now is the dollar is toast. And, when that happens, when the dollar collapses, our way of life is going to change. And at that moment, when that happens, there will only be one question that will matter. And, that question is, are you ready?

…If collapse happens on Monday morning are you ready? Do you have a supply of water and storable food to get you through if it lasts a week? Do you have gold and silver to use as barter if it lasts a month? Do you have relationships with farmers that you’ve bought directly from farmers out of their barn if it lasts for six months? There is an infrastructure that’s required to survive collapse. There’s things you’re going to need that you won’t be able to buy anymore.

All signs point to the notion that the power elite, who control the US dollar, US debt, international policy, and military force, are in the last phase of the government bubble – arguably the largest bubble in the history of humanity. ... y_03012011 One can’t help but think that this is being done either on purpose or simply out of pure ignorance; given the evidence we subscribe to the former. If we are truly destined to see a currency extinction event, as Mr. O’Brien refers to it, then it can happen without warning at anytime. And it will be so quick that most people won’t realize what has happened until grocery store shelves are empty.

Video: COLLAPSE IS UNAVOIDABLE Likely by Christmas - W. O'Brien ... ded#at=107

Hat tip JR ... o_03022011