By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
August 22, 2011

[NOTE: My latest book, The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, is now available from [800-955-0116] NewsWithViews. As I related in the book, the head of the Nazi SS, Heinrich Himmler, was probably working with the Allies (Allen Dulles) long before the end of WWII. In 1944, Himmler convinced Hitler to put the V-2 rocket project under SS control, and on August 8 of that year Gen. Hans Kammler replaced Gen. Walter Dornberger as its director (under Operation Paperclip after the war, Dornberger would become vice-president of Bell Aerosystems in Niagrara Falls, NY). Kammler had also been in charge of constructing facilities for various secret weapons projects. In 1938, the Sudetenland in northern Czechoslovakia surrendered to the Nazis, who recognized its importance as the location of perhaps the largest uranium field in Europe. By 1943, the Nazi Luftwaffe had a map of New York City with concentric circles (perhaps designating the radioactive effects of a nuclear explosion), and in 1944 a Luftwaffe plane flew to New York City, took a picture and flew back (perhaps for target identification). On October 10, 1944 Luftwaffe pilot Hans Zinsser reported seeing the following: “A cloud shaped like a mushroom without turbulence, billowing sections (at about 7000 meters) stood, without any seeming connections over the spot where the explosion took place.â€