ACORN Counters Voter Fraud Charges
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 12:31 PM
By: Dave Eberhart

ACORN officials are denying that they ever used quotas and are telling authorities that they pointed out the fraudulent names and addresses on voter registration cards that resulted in criminal charges being mounted against former employees, according to a report in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Taking the offensive with a new PR blitz as criminal court hearings loom for its employees facing charges, ACORN argued that any evidence of voter registration fraud was pro-actively uncovered by the organization’s own crack internal quality control system, according to the Pittsburg Tribune-Review.

Ian Phillips, state coordinator for ACORN, told reporters that the organization turned over 216 suspect voter registration cards to county officials last year. That key evidence resulted in seven canvassers being charged with violating election laws in Pittsburgh.

“We fully cooperated. We basically sent them 216 'kick me' cards,â€