Ad Campaign Asks, 'Do We Really Want This Population Growth?'
Max Digital Media Newswire
Wed, 01 Oct 2008 09:48:00

Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) and allies unveiled an ad campaign to raise America's awareness of the role population growth plays in many of the nation's problems. The ads, which will appear in major national publications, are a response to a Census Bureau report that the U.S. population will rise to 439 million by 2050, or 135 million more than today.

"An increase of 135 million in just over 40 years - that is huge. It's as if the entire population of Russia decided to move to the United States, and we said, 'Sure, come on in,'" said Diana Hull, the President of CAPS.

"What problems will be easier to solve with a population of 400 million or 500 million than our current population of 300 million?" Hull asked. "Protecting the environment? Alleviating traffic jams? Rebuilding our infrastructure? Educating our children? This excessive population growth exacerbates each of these problems."

CAPS and its partners in America's Leadership Team for Long Range Population-Immigration-Resource Planning note that many public officials act as if this population growth is inevitable when, in fact, it is being forced upon the country by the government's immigration policy.

More than 80 percent of U.S. population growth will be a direct result of immigration and births to immigrants. The Census Bureau predicted net immigration, which now averages 1.1 million people annually, will reach more than 2 million a year in 2050. In California -- where the population
has soared to 38 million -- that immigration component accounts for virtually 100 percent of the growth.

"However altruistic we might wish to be, we cannot provide for the world's 6.7 billion people, certainly not by inviting them here. To do so decimates the environment and detracts from our efforts to help the less fortunate among us," Hull noted.

This national ad campaign is part of a long-term effort by CAPS and its partners to raise public consciousness about population growth and its effects. CAPS is a nonprofit organization that promotes policies designed to stabilize the population of California and the United States at a level that will protect resources and promote a good quality of life for all. ... 10-01.html