Supreme Court nominee Sotomayor belongs to a subversive group and should be rejected

Posted in: Vincent Gioia
By Vincent Gioia
Monday, June 01, 2009 - 8:28:21 PM ET

With the disclosure that Obama's U.S. Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, is a member of La Raza, it's appropriate to look at what La Raza stands for to understand Sotomayor's mindset as she decides critical cases on the court.

According to the American Bar Association, Sotomayor is a member of the NCLR (National Council of La Raza), which bills itself as the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States but take a look at what the organization really advocates. To reinforce the importance of this association note that Sotomayor has said "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." The remark was made in a 2001 speech at the University of California's Berkeley School of Law. The lecture was published the following year in the Berkeley La Raza Law Journal.

It is not an overstatement to say Sotomayor's approach to decisions of the Court would be influenced significantly by her roots which is not the asset Obama would like us to believe.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich wrote: "Imagine a judicial nominee said 'my experience as a white man makes me better than a Latina woman. Wouldn't they have to withdraw? New racism is no better than old racism. A white man racist nominee would be forced to withdraw. Latina woman racist should also withdraw."

Rush Limbaugh in his inimitable way noted, "And the libs of course say that minorities cannot be racists because they don't have the power to implement their racism. Well, those days are gone because reverse racists certainly do have the power to implement their power. Obama is the greatest living example of a reverse racist, and now he's appointed one. ..."

La Raza is more than a civil rights advocacy group; in earlier days it would have been considered a subversive group. First, consider that La Raza means "the Race" and also has connections to groups that advocate the separation of several southwestern states from the rest of America.

Michelle Malkin has listed are the top ten positions of La Raza that should give everyone reasons why Sotomayor should not be confirmed to the high court because of her association with La Raza alone:

“10. La Raza supports driver's licenses for illegal aliens.

9. La Raza supports in-state tuition discounts for illegal alien students that are not available to law-abiding US citizens and law-abiding legal immigrants.

8. La Raza opposes cooperative immigration enforcement efforts between local, state, and federal authorities.

7. La Raza sponsors militant ethnic nationalist charter schools subsidized by your public tax dollars, including the “Aztlan Academyâ€