By Rev. Ted Pike
22 Feb 10

The Anti-Defamation League is determined to establish federally-enforced promotion and protection of homosexuality in America’s primary and secondary public schools. This year ADL repeatedly boasted it was the driving force behind the pro-homosexual federal hate crimes bill. Now ADL is making another attempt to sodomize America. Their latest legislative poison is called The Student Nondiscrimination Act of 2010.

Like the hate law, HR 4530 gives grade and high school homosexual students special rights and protection over the majority. It claims to protect students who feel harassed or intimidated because of their homosexual orientation or desire to be perceived as the opposite gender. If they feel pressured to the point that they don’t want to participate in a school activity, the bill says these students deserve the same federal advocacy given blacks under the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This bill also includes special protection to heterosexual students who feel harassed or intimidated to not associate with homosexuals. These students may also invite federal prosecution of their “homophobicâ€