MRC Petition To Stop Anti-Tea Party Media Bias!
Help Defend New Tea Party And Conservative Leaders Against Hostile Liberal Media Attacks

Left Wing Media vs. Far Left Wing Media
Koppel suggests Olbermann helping to destroy real news.

Olbermann Responds to Koppel, Claims Criticized Obama More in a Week that FNC Did Bush in 8 Years

Click above for Brent's take on the liberal media attacks against conservative leaders.
The Left's post-election strategy is clear -- Demonize, Discredit and Destroy the new Tea Party and Conservative leaders headed to Capitol Hill before they ever have a chance to fulfill their promises to the people that sent them there.

These attacks have already begun with MSNBC's Chris Matthews savaging Sarah Palin and Rep. Michele Bachmann. While discussing Gov. Palin, Matthews called her stupid, and insinuated that she was illiterate! These kinds of baseless attacks must be taken seriously by the American people. If left unchecked and unchallenged, they pose a serious threat to the
success of the new Conservatives in Congress.

Building upon our "Tell the Truth!" initiative, the Media Research Center is confronting these attacks – taking citizen outrage right to the top! In the case of Chris Matthews, we will be delivering petitions directly to General Electric, which owns MSNBC, letting them know that tens of thousands of Americans are outraged by their support of Matthews' baseless attacks on conservative leaders!

link to petition ... D=19010270
