Starbucks Launches ‘Jobs For USA’ PR Stunt With Wall Street Front Group

Opportunity Finance Network is backed by very banks who screwed struggling Americans by refusing to loan bailout funds

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Starbucks has gone on a charm offensive with the launch of its ‘Let’s Create Jobs For USA’ initiative, which will encourage people to donate $5 dollars every time they buy a coffee towards a fund aimed at helping poor people get loans.

However, the group running the scheme is funded by the very same big banks who received trillions in bailout funds that are still deliberately withholding loans from struggling Americans in order to make money off the interest on deposits held with the Federal Reserve.

“Starting Nov. 1, Starbucks will begin collecting donations of $5 or more from customers to stimulate U.S. job growth through its “Jobs for USAâ€