If we can toss people in the pokey for robbing a liquor store, people who hold up entire nations shouldn't be immune

Capitalism—Minus the Cronies

By Arnold Ahlert
Thursday, December 2, 2010

The revelation that the American taxpayer is now the World’s Banker of Last Resort, as revealed by the new FinReg bill (yet another assault on real, as opposed to crony capitalism), means Americans must face the disturbing reality that our national sovereignty is being completely undermined. And those undermining it have only one over-riding loyalty: a level of naked self-interest beyond anything the world has ever witnessed.

For these people, all that matters is themselves. If they ruin a country or two—or ten—in the process of gratifying that self-interest, so be it. As the late Leona Helmsley once remarked, “only the little people pay taxes.â€