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    Any one see this yet????


    By Clash Daily / 27 August 2012 / 12 Comments

    by stephen simpson

    Documentaries, by their nature, tend to be a bit staid and stale … long on information and short on inspiration. ”2016: Obama’s America” is not one of those kinds of documentaries. While it is bursting with well-researched, well-documented factual information, it is also a heart-pounding narrative that paints a disturbing picture of the worldview and aims of the current American President, and will inspire significant thought and dialogue among everyone who sees it.Based upon author Dinesh D’Souza’s best-selling book, “The Roots of Obama’s Rage”, the film seeks to discover who Barack Hussein Obama really is; to vet him in ways that the dominant Leftist elite media failed to do in 2007 and 2008. However, the tone of the film is not radical or angry. D’Souza, who has become one of the most important writers and thinkers to emerge within the past 30 years, is no “bomb-thrower” or shrill activist, but is instead a quiet, thoughtful, and even somewhat endearingly nerdy presence in the film, interviewing the President’s friends, brother, teachers, colleagues, and even a noted psychologist.What emerges is a portrait of a President whose perspective on America was shaped by third-world anti-colonialism. In contrast to the American anti-colonialism against England in 1776, this more recent anti-colonialism has been animated by actual racism against Europeans, anti-Christianity, and anti-capitalism. Have these notions had an impact on the President, and if so, how? The most effective witness in the film is President Obama himself, heard reading from one of his autobiograpies, Dreams from My Father. Far from being hostile to the President personally or the President’s background, D’Souza instead identifies personally with the President in many ways, having himself been born in India in the same year as the President, coming to America as a college student at an Ivy League University and graduating the same year as the President. Examining the President’s mentors … their relationship with the President, their teaching and worldview, and how that has affected the Obama record … D’Souza paints a picture of what America would look like in 2016 if Obama is re-elected. Whether it’s his failure to follow through on his soaring rhetoric, his ability to manipulate voter emotion and guilt, his antipathy toward America’s historical allies, his sympathy for America’s historical enemies, his embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist extremists, his brand of crony capitalism, his corrupt and socialistic advisors, or other issues, this film reveals some startling and uncomfortable truths about where the President comes from and where he is taking this nation.
    I would recommend this film for anyone willing to take an honest look at this President, now that we have elected him and experienced four years of his leadership…to look in ways many were unwilling to look back in 2007 and 2008. Many honest and principled Democrats and Independents voted for Obama with the most noble of intentions, only to be disappointed and disillusioned by his actual behavior in office. See the film for yourself, and consider reading the book upon which it is based, as well as other excellent books by D’Souza.
    My one criticism of the film is a technical one: at times, the sound editing or mix allows the music soundtrack (which is very good) to overwhelm the narrative. D’Souza is a soft-spoken gentleman, and his voice needs to be louder in the mix. Overall, it’s one of the most effective documentaries I’ve ever seen. I’ve made it a point to see many, including three by Michael Moore. My heart was literally pounding by the end of the film, and without spoiling anything, there is a scene near the end that is terrifying in its portrayal of the manipulation of innocence. Go see it, and decide for yourself.
    follow stephen at


  2. #2
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    Aug 2009
    Well we went to the movie to see 2016....the first 30 min was hard to get through
    but it picked up speed.( embarrassing to say but we both fell asleep for the first 15 min or so) After the first 30 min or so it was an interesting take, the teller was from India and he immigrated here, he see's what we all see though. I will say this mans account of Obama hit the nail on the head about him, it just went about it from his eyes. He also took things from the book Dreams of my Father, who I think Obama saw only once in his life....The 2016 movie is about; if Obama gets reelected and what he will do to our Country actually what he is already doing to it.....Everything we have been saying here was in this movie. He goes on to say how he(Obama) is so far removed from "The America" we know and her ideals. Why and who his hero's are, Frank Marshall, etc the typical list of characters, and how their teachings and ideology formed Obama into what he is today...All I could think of was " We will be destroyed from the "inside". He is systematically doing it since he was elected, and if he gets in again he will complete the process..He was brought up and taught to do this, in fact planned by these people.....He wants America to be mediocre and not the power we have been in the past.I believe collectivism, or some thing to that effect, to me it is called traitorous, and he has no business being our President he and the people who are his helpers are all traitors to our Country. In other words his idea of redistribution of wealth goes from US to all, this is world wide redistribution. So the have's (US) or who they believe are the have's will have nothing. He said nothing about Obama being illegal but he did say his father was from Kenya born and bred but went to school here for a time. Which makes him illegal to be the President in it's own right...

    There were many people in the theater mostly older but it was the first show of the day so plenty of seats....I have heard that it is has been released to a small amount of movie house's and each week it goes out to a few more of them all over the country. To me it reinforced what I believe about this evil man.
    Last edited by kathyet; 09-04-2012 at 04:17 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member florgal's Avatar
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    Some of my friends and acquaintances have been to see this movie. I want to see it but haven't had the time to go out of town for it. We have a small movie theater nearby but I strongly doubt if they will show this film.

    BTW, all I know who have seen it highly recommend it

  4. #4
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    2016: How One Father’s Failure Nearly Eviscerated Our Republic

    By Audrey Russo / 5 September 2012

    It’s clearly a hit … going from a few screens to 1,000 nationwide, 2016: Obama’s America has made a statement. I will say it was concise, informative, substantive, and as always endemic of Dinesh D’ Souza’s work, veracious. The film is based upon his book, The Roots of Obama’s Rage … and it quite perspicaciously reveals the frame of reference of Barack Obama, which … as in anyone’s life … dictates and influences his worldview, out of which come his policies.
    There is a particular point in the film that I found fascinating … Dinesh touched on the psychological affects that Barack’s absentee father had on his son, Barack Jr.
    It’s undeniable, based on numerous studies done, that absentee fathers have a traumatic impact on the lives of their children … especially their sons. And in the case of Barry, because his father chose to be absent from his life, his mother fostered and nurtured a distorted and idealized view of Barack Sr. to her son. And she persuaded him to develop his beliefs and identity to reflect his father’s. And this ideology of Barack Sr. was reinforced, because of his absence, by the mentoring of Communist Frank Marshall Davis. (Sidebar: One can’t help but wonder what upbringing Barry’s mother had … she was a self-hating white, anti-American, Communist-loving girl, from the Heartland? Who and what fostered that?)
    Barack did, however, learn of his father’s true character through his sister Auma, while he attended Columbia in NYC. And his reaction was similar to those who live in a fantasy world, when reality suddenly peaks in its head: “I felt as if my world had been turned on its head; as if I had woken up to find a blue sun in the yellow sky; or heard animals speaking like men . . . . To think that all my life I had been wrestling with nothing more than a ghost!”
    A ghost, perhaps, but one he continues to emulate and with whose principles he haunts this nation.
    Barry’s father is quite culpable in the situation we find ourselves as a nation today. He was a drunkard, a womanizer, a polygamist and a deadbeat dad, to name a few. In other words: He was no Ward Cleaver. His selfish and self-serving behavior created many broken souls … especially little ones, and one in particular that grew up idealizing a warped, destructive worldview that reached to the heights of the free world. And as a result, has broken innumerable souls today and into many tomorrows.
    I believe in personal responsibility … we ARE responsible for our own choices and the consequences of those choices. President Obama made a cognizant choice to believe his mother, concerning his father’s character and values. And even when confronted with the truth, he chose to be intractable concerning his long-held beliefs (cognitive dissonance).
    But Barack Sr. is ALSO responsible for his choices … and the consequences of those choices. And in his case, like his son: They have tainted millions of innocent lives for generations to come.
    I hope you dads are paying attention…

    Read more: 2016: How One Father’s Failure Nearly Eviscerated Our Republic

  5. #5
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    Aug 2009
    ’2016′ – ‘Suggests A Trojan Horse Has Been Planted Into The Midst Of The American Republic’
    Monday, September 10, 2012 12:21

    Oh yes, go see 2016: Obama’s America. You need to experience this movie, its sights, sounds and lessons. Its moral is one that only a wide screen and surround-sound will deliver in its undistracted fullness.
    This movie does not take you to the cherry tree that a young George Washington is said to have chopped down imprudently at the age of six after being given his first hatchet (a story that is believed to be a fable, but has a moral lesson in it – to tell the truth). Nor does the movie recount the story about General Washington skimming a silver dollar across the Delaware River (actually a piece of slate across a much narrower river). It takes its viewers to the African grave of a polygamous, over-imbibing absentee father who his son idolized – a disillusioned boy who was to become leader of the Western World.
    Oh, this kind of rags to riches story is the kind of stuff America is made of, but like the above exaggerations of George Washington’s past, it is a fabrication to its core.
    2016 is an experience that will cause all kinds of thoughts and reflections to race through your mind. If you pay careful attention, while meticulous in its accuracy, as its message builds it pits its viewers in the contrived match of conservative Republican versus liberal Democrat, of guns versus butter, of socialism versus private enterprise. The problem is, America is already a socialist state, and it can no longer afford the largesse of its military or its welfare state. There is no arguing for one position or the other. The issue is how to undo both of them now that neither one is affordable.
    Your host and interpreter: Dinesh D’Souza

    Your host for the movie is Dinesh D’Souza, an East Indian-born man of color who shares many similarities with Barack Obama (born in the same year, both attended an Ivy League school, married in the same year, both of mixed-race background).
    Mr. D’Souza is a defender of the Christian faith, current President of King’s College in New York, in his youth a former White House advisor in the Reagan era, and adept at exploring the underlying motives of an overly confident man who now occupies the White House.
    It’s a fast-paced movie that takes you to a world and mind-set that has, for good or bad, taken the world on a painful detour.
    It’s a movie that suggests a Trojan horse has been planted into the midst of the American republic. It explains why this President, early in his office tenure, couldn’t place his hand over his heart when the national anthem was sung. It explains why he, in the early days after his election, wouldn’t wear a stars and stripes pin. It explains his contempt for a heritage that ironically every other nation reveres. For America is the historic land of the free, a land of abundance and opportunity. It is the hope of the world. But that isn’t the view of America embraced by its current President.
    2016 is a movie as powerful as Oliver Stone’s JFK. It’s a movie about how an entire population of free-thinking Americans can be seduced into voting for a President who had a hidden agenda that the news media simply doesn’t want to explore.
    In the knee-jerk reaction to rid the American politic of the water-boarding “mission accomplished” memory of George W. Bush, America was lured into electing a man on the false promise of undefined “change.” You could ask most Americans in the election of 2008 if “anybody” would be better than G.W. Bush and they probably would have said yes, anybody.
    Out of such knee-jerk reactions despots arise. This is what D’Souza warns of if Obama is re-elected. Some 900 Executive Orders issued from the Obama White House that rob Americans of their Constitutional freedoms serve as evidence for this suspicion.
    Let us cut Mr. Obama some slack. Let us realize he became, if only for a short while historically, the hope of so many. But is he the guy to lead the world out of its economic collapse? As then candidate Bill Clinton once said: “It’s the economy, stupid!”
    World economies have imploded – a calamity that has been papered-over to spare its nightmare consequences. One wonders if the CIA didn’t groom Mr. Obama for such a moment when the underclasses would threaten to riot in the streets and the US would embark upon a war against Islamic oil states to capture their booty. A black President who heard the call of the Koran in his youth may be no accident. Certainly, world financiers could foresee a financial collapse of unprecedented proportion and recognize a leader would be needed to calm the masses.
    At the 1-hour-22-minute point in 2016 you see a young school girl singing: “Obama’s gonna change it. Obama’s gonna lea-d them. We’re gonna change the world.” This is followed by a kids choir singing underneath Obama’s voice: “Yes, we can, can, can. Yes, we can, can, can, can. Yes, we can, can. Yes, we can, Yes, we can…” This is the kind of stuff you expect to see coming out of North Korea, not the USA. Is Barack Obama the genius who will remedy a corrupt, broken and busted financial system? Maybe that is asking too much of any President, but it is the primary task at hand.
    While inflation (not 2.2% but 9.3%) and unemployment (not 8% but 22%, according to and low interest-rates on banked money (less than 1%) and still declining property values (with a shadow inventory of 4 million more homes still to be added to the foreclosure list) are robbing Americans of their wealth, Mr. Obama nor any of the other Presidential candidates in this 2012 election (save for Ron Paul) adequately address these very issues.
    The underclasses should be so angry that their hopes of ever gaining financial freedom have been dashed by fiscal, currency and lending practices that stand in place as Mr. Obama goes golfing, 140 times in his short Presidency. Mr. Obama has chosen to falsely prop solar panel companies (Solyndra) and green-energy Obama-cars (the non-selling Chevy Volt), and maintain quasi-government funding agencies like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae which still facilitate home ownership for those who do not earn sufficient incomes, and to aid students to obtain loans for an education that will not lead to well-paying jobs. These student loans may never be paid back. Excuse my sidebar intermission here. Let’s get back to the movie.
    Obama’s hidden agenda: anti-colonialism:

    One of the most puzzling facts brought to viewers’ attention by the 2016 movie is one of the first actions of the Obama Presidency – a return of a bust of Winston Churchill, a gift from the British. For younger readers, recall that Churchill led Britain in WWII in joining America to defeat the Nazis. Why would this be on President Obama’s mind in the first days of his Presidency?
    D’Souza claims, and Obama later acknowledges later in the movie, that he has an axe to grind – to rectify what happened when British colonialism reigned in his African homeland. (But I thought he was born in Hawaii?) But does America or even the rest of the world have time to fix an old injustice? Shall there be reparations as well, Mr. President? Yes, for starters Mr. Obama wants Britain to give back the Falkland Islands to Argentina.
    Whatever anti-colonial attitudes that remain within the heart of Barack Obama, he hasn’t been able to fully convince his own half-brother, George Obama, who lives in Kenya.
    Mr. D’Souza, speaking to George Obama, asks: “Look at South Africa. They were under the whites until the 1990’s and look where they are now. They are practically a developed nation. So who is better off? Us (the Kenyans) who kicked out the British or the South Africans? …. Do you actually think it would have been better if the whites had stayed a bit longer?”
    George Obama: “Ya well, it’s true. They would have developed us, instead of um, we are fighting, fighting, fighting over nothing. We are third world, they are second world.”
    President Obama’s anti-colonialism even resulted in his diversion of NASA from being a symbol of American technology to being an agent of international relations. In the movie, Charles F. Bolden, NASA administrator, says: “When I became the NASA administrator, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and perhaps, foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science and engineering.” There is a lot we’re learning in this movie that the news media hasn’t been reporting.
    The young Barack: a lost identity

    For the young Barack Obama, who only spent a short time with his real father when he was 10 years of age, though he carried on a correspondence for several years thereafter, the wrenching inside him was that of a lost identity. He is his father’s son. That is who he is. But as Barack Obama says, in his own voice (obtained from his audio book: Dreams From My Father): “There was only one problem: my father was missing, and nothing that my mother or grandparents could tell me could obviate that single, unassailable fact.”
    At this point Mr. D’Souza asks a poignant question: “How can Obama be so influenced by a father who wasn’t around?” D’Souza says Obama is being led by the ghost of his father, as if there is some channeling going on.
    D’Souza then points to Barack Obama’s strange claim of an “absent father.”
    D’Souza: “Now, in Obama’s case, the father was alive. He wasn’t dead; he was in Africa. And, so at some point in his life, when Obama comes to college, his sister comes to him, and she confronts him, and she basically says, ‘The man you’re idealizing, this mythical father, isn’t like that. You, you have fantasy about the guy.’ And, this provokes in Obama a kind of crisis.”
    But Obama opines: “I felt as if my world had been turned on its head, as if I had woken up to find a blue sun in a yellow sky, or heard animals speaking like men. To think that all my life, I had been wrestling with nothing more than a ghost.”
    Obama: the divider-in-chief

    The 2016 movie goes on to show Barack Obama in his 2004 DNC speech, saying: “There is not a black America, and a white America, and Latino America, and Asian America. There’s the United States of America (crowd roar). But once in office, it became the 1% versus the 99%. Obama gets little criticism for divisiveness. He rallies the masses against the classes. It is despicable.
    What makes Barack Obama tick: a graveside and some activists

    At the 48-minute/23-second point of 2016 Mr. Obama reveals, in his own words, what makes him tick. The beat of his drum is far away. It is not Jesus, whom he purports to follow (when it will gain him votes), or the Koran, which he says he heard daily in his youth. Nor is his model any former President or fellow Democrat like John F. Kennedy. In his words: “I saw that my life in America, the black life, the white life, the sense of abandonment I felt as a boy, the frustration and hope I had witnessed in Chicago. All of it was connected with this small plot of earth an ocean away.” That small plot is the African grave of his father.
    It is said that great men stand on the shoulders of those who preceded them. For Mr. Obama, his mentors were markedly different than any prior American president. D’Souza says it well: “for Obama to make himself acceptable to America, he had to hide major elements of his past. He had to hide the group I call ‘Obama’s founding fathers.’ And, who were his founding fathers? Well, let’s just say they were not Jefferson, Washington, and Franklin.”
    Barack Obama’s father-figure mentors were Frank Marshall Davis, a card-carrying Communist party member, and Bill Ayers, Obama’s Chicago pal who tried to blow up the Pentagon, and Jeremiah Wright, his long-time anti-American pastor. Where was the news media to alert the American public of these unsavory alliances prior to the 2008 election?
    Let’s not let Mr. D’Souza off the hook either

    D’Souza himself needs to be taken to task. One, for his incomplete research, and two, for the Republican Party blinders he wears.
    D’Souza says: “… in the Middle East, Obama acts very inexplicably. He uses force to stop what he calls genocide in Libya, but refuses to stop greater genocide in Syria. In Egypt, he supports the removal of America’s ally, Hosni Mubarak.”
    Dear Mr. D’Souza: it was the US Federal Reserve that began to “dollarize the world,’ that is, flood the globe with US money in a strategy to dilute the value of foreign currencies, create inflation in other nations, which caused a temporary boom as more money was available, which in turn resulted in farmers holding their semi-perishable crops to sell off at a later time and at a greater profit as prices rose. That is what caused food shortages, riots in lands where people only have $1 a day for food, and eventual insurrection against puppet dictators whom the US installed and had funneled foreign aid to for decades. When it became unpopular for the US to stand by its paid-off dictators, it encouraged people in these lands to overthrow their leaders. How disingenuous.
    Mubarek in Egypt had become a billionaire while Egyptians live on $1 a day. The so-called genocide in Syria is reported but not well confirmed and appears to be fomented by outsiders entering Syria, outsiders backed by the US. Mr. D’Souza sees a future united Arab state comprised of many North African countries that would pose a threat to the world. The problem is, history shows Arab countries are most contentious with their neighbors. Call me the day the Arab world unites.
    D’Souza side-steps the birth certificate
    Unexpectedly D’Souza makes no issue over Barack Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate. With a picture of the certificate on the screen, D’Souza says: “Then, on August 4th, 1961, Barack Obama II is born at the Kapalania Medical Center in Honolulu. His birth is reported in two local newspapers.” But, pray tell, Mr. D’Souza, why would his mother pay for two newspaper announcements of his birth in Honolulu? Would it be to falsely document his birth there so her son could acquire all the benefits of US citizenship?
    D’Souza goes on: “At the end of my book, I made three predictions. Obama will do nothing significant to stop Iran from getting nuclear bombs. He hasn’t. He would spend money as if the deficit didn’t matter. He has. I also said that if the political climate changes, and Obama is forced to tackle the deficit, he will cut the military and seek to raise taxes.”
    Yes, Mr. D’Souza, but David Walker, the former U.S. comptroller whom you interview near the ending of 2016, says the U.S. is in so much debt it has no choice but to cut back on military, healthcare and pensions as well as raise taxes. Mr. Walker is bus touring the country to confront the public on this reality.
    And yes, the dire fundamental problems posed by a fraudulent fiat paper money system, fractional banking that foments inflation and erosion of the value of the dollar, and debt-based money that now makes America vulnerable to holders of its IOUs (US Treasury bills), are not being addressed by any candidate outside of the eliminated Ron Paul. Should our lenders in China and Japan sell off these paper IOUs, the dollar crashes and so does the American economy.
    In Mr. D’Souza’s mind Iran, Syria, North Korea are America’s enemies. Give us your Ronald Reagan, Mr. D’Souza, who had the courage to pull our troops out of Beirut after an attack there killed many US Marines. Give us the Ronald Reagan who carried a big stick but chose not to use it, winning a cold war that avoided thousands of troop losses. Mr. D’Souza hesitates to critique Mr. Obama on waterboarding, continued placement of US troops in Afghanistan, and many other issues, because they would also indict the former Republican Party President, GW Bush.
    I’ll leave the rest of 2016: Obama’s Dream for you to view and contemplate. Clearly the Obama deception has been enabled by a news media that has chosen to look the other way. But do not be so distracted by Obama’s sins of omission and commission that you let host D’Souza’s slanted world and political views be the assumed alternative. Neither war with Iran nor gratuitous welfare handouts represent the moral high ground. Maybe one of the greatest challenges in modern American history is upon us as the American public contemplates the 2012 Presidential election. What four years could not do, eight years must do. Obama promised change, then never changed.
    Mr. D’Souza ends the movie asking its most important question: “The first time, we did not know Barack Obama. Now, we do. Which dream will we carry into 2016? The American dream, or Obama’s dream? The movie says it better than my penned words do.
    Here is a clip from the movie: 2016: Obama’s Dream

    September 10, 2012

    Bill Sardi [send him mail] is a frequent writer on health and political topics. His health writings can be found at His latest book is Downsizing Your Body.
    Copyright © 2012 Bill Sardi Word of Knowledge Agency, San Dimas, California. This article has been written exclusively for and other parties who wish to refer to it should link rather than post at other URLs.
    '2016' by Bill Sardi
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