Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Hunter and Tancredo
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Hunter and Tancredo Make the Presidential Race a Choiceless ChoiceTwo presidential candidates know what to do before you ask them. None of them are to be found on the democratic side of the table. So if you didn’t know it already I just saved you a lot of time, but I also question your smarts. In fact, it is now safe to say that without exception all the current crop of democratic candidates are actually either socialists or communists. What’s the matter? You didn’t see that either? That simple sentence about democrats being socialists or communists is enough to make some in your family or circle of friends go into immediate convulsions or states of rebellion. So you cannot even say that to them and expect reasonable discourse. And even if you try to explain your points one by one you will find as you should at least try, you will notice an immediate emotional state grip them and lock them up. It is a very interesting thing to watch and observe people lock up and then react to you based on this state of instantaneous resentment, which is a re-feeling of their past emotions I will go a step further..it can be frightening to see what appears to be normal looking people turn in a split second from that apparent normalness to a state of being totally freaked out.

On the republican side, you have a bevy of candidates who all have for the most part the right talking points…some more than others of course. But you have to break even this down because we have seen plenty of cases of talking points meaning nothing at all. And we can all easily eliminate some people like Ron Paul and others because of quirks or one political position or another such as being pro abortion even if they say that they are against it in their personal life. But deep down, even this is a total waste of time.

You see folks when a candidate takes any position at all you must ask why. And in this one question your decision becomes not only apparent but choiceless. For some candidates it is the political wind…expedience if you will. Get to point a from point b (Romney). Simple as that. For others it is based in some common sense…for others it is actually an equal opposite reaction to their opponents…much in the same way that democrats resent much of conservative America. There is a danger in picking any candidate who does not have a mind of his own…..and while you all would take great enjoyment in my picking apart each candidate…and I would make us both laugh at my insights on each candidate, something more important is to be brought up. Can you see who is his own man? Or do you trifle with the examination of the issues like figuring out a Rubik’s cube?

You want a candidate who sees the why of an issue and it is that ‘why’ that makes him act and be respectable. An action is not just a simple political position he or she takes….the why of the action is what they believe in and what causes them to lead and make the right choices on our behalf…to vote on our behalf…so to speak. Take a step back folks and look at each candidate individually. Which ones adopt a position that fits the political arguments that their supporters want (hints? Do you need hints?)…which adopt what that have adapted to (been pressured to)? Are there any who are running because they know before they speak what are the right steps to take? These are the candidates who will not compromise with a Ted Kennedy….will not compromise with Diane Feinstein (McCain).…will not ignore our citizen ship laws for the expedience of taking away crime, thereby saying we have ‘peace in our time’ (Rudy Guliani’s crime free New York) only to create and foster a bigger problem later on. Insanity! Guliani only wishes to foster a crime free business world…not foster the extension of American principles.

There are two men running for president that deserve your support. And the reason is they have principle in their hearts and it is the ‘why’ of why they are running. Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter are the only two men who believed in what they are saying now before than got on the presidential debate stage. They do not need to consult with anyone…they already consult their consciences. What more could you want? Each of these men runs because of principle and they act because of principle.

Ignore the Huckabee’s who try to plead and reason with you like George W. Bush…the very fact that he pleads means he does not understand his opponents. His opponents whether they be democrats or the Red Chinese laugh at pleaders. They only understand the force that places missiles in Europe as Reagan did. They then will come talk at the table. Forget the silly smile of righteousness on the face of Mr. Brownback…he would make for a safe neighbor and be a decent Secretary of the Interior perhaps. But he would turn the other cheek at inappropriate times when defending our nation. Only two men fit the label of being their own men….yes, you can make a case for Fred Thompson and he has made some mistakes in his life but until he starts standing up more than for a few camera angles he in my mind has not said ‘yes I believe’ to his conscience. I think he wants to deep inside but something is holding him back. And yes Mitt is clean and honorable, but he has no fight in him. And the Russians do not understand pillow fights. Nor do they understand primp and pedicure time at the salon.

Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter have moved mountains already and it has been done because of principle. Tom has moved an entire debate and forced the candidates to come to his way of thinking on the immigration issue to the point where many sound like little Tom’s….but that is where it will stop. Once in office they will no longer need to stand ass tall as he does now. Tom has stood up like David against Goliath.

Hunter has also demonstrated a common sense approach that reveals that his conscience leads him and not polls…not expediency. The trouble is that the press wants to marginalize him and Tancredo. In fact look for the liberal press to see a Guliani, McCain ticket as their outlet valve if they cannot get traitorous Clinton or feminine Obama elected this time around.

Hunter has stood up for his country time and time again…..do your own investigation. In any event what I have tried to discuss here with you is that there is a pre-moment in time where a person even if they are not perfect have an over riding desire to respond to and act upon an inner knowing. Two men fit this bill best, Hunter and Tancredo.

http://wwwalfulchino.blogspot.com/2007/ ... credo.html