"Slaughter Solution": Dems won't even vote on ObamaCare

ObamaCare--"Slaughter Solution"

Dear Patriots,

The buzz on Capitol Hill is that the Democrats are now
considering what is being called the "Slaughter Solution"
that will allow ObamaCare to be signed into law WITHOUT

According to Congress Daily, House Rules Chairwoman
Louise Slaughter...

"...is weighing preparing a rule that would
consider the Senate bill passed once the
House approves a corrections bill that would
make changes to the Senate version."

The Washington Examiner explains that this will allow
Democrats to approve ObamaCare without actually voting
on the bill:

"In the Slaughter Solution, the rule would
declare that the House "deems" the Senate
version of Obamacare to have been passed by
the House. House members would still have to
vote on whether to accept the rule, but they
would then be able to say they only voted
for a rule, not for the bill itself."

+ + Dems escaping the "Catch 22"

The Slaughter Solution would allow Democrats to escape their
"Catch 22." Simply put, the House must pass the Senate bill
BEFORE the "reconciliation" tactic can be employed --
trusting that the Senate will actually do what is promised.

The "Slaughter Solution" solves that -- and gives House
members an "out" because they never actually had to vote
on the Senate ObamaCare bill.

+ + Pelosi says backroom deals "pretty close" to final

Whether by the "Slaughter Solution" or another means, it
is clear that Democrats are rapidly pushing ObamaCare to
a final vote. After yesterday's backroom deals, Speaker
Pelosi said they were "pretty close" and Majority Leader
Reid added:

"[H]ealth reform is going to be done. We
don't have it all worked out, but we made
a lot of progress."

As I noted a few days ago, grassroots pressure from the Left
has increased in recent days, not-so-coincidentally timed
with this final push to pass ObamaCare.

#2 -- Petition ADDENDUM opposing "Reconciliation" and other
procedural tricks like the "Slaughter Solution"

#3 -- Call your Senators and Representative

It is your right as a citizen to contact your members of
Congress and express your voice on this issue. Here are
the numbers:


Rep. Call the Congressional Switchboard (202) 224-3121

Thank you for your vigilance.

News Sources:

Washington Examiner:


AP (Philly Examiner):


John Boehner's blog:


National Journal's "Congress Daily" (pdf):


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Patriotic Resistance mail@resistnet.com
Thu, Mar 11, 2010 3:25 pm