Aussies Take First Step to Fighting Global Warmers’ Agenda

Posted By Tad Cronn on Nov 15, 2013 | 21 Comments

While other countries’ governments are gleefully talking about “fighting” nonexistent global warming, Australians are lucky to have a new government that is instead fighting the global warming agenda.

Anyone with any deductive reasoning capability who has paid attention to the global warming issue knows that the purpose has never been to “fix” the climate, which is controlled by myriad factors working in unison.

Rather, by controlling carbon output, the warm-mongers have sought to control energy output and availability in wealthy countries, while making boatloads of money for themselves through flimflam carbon credit schemes and by scaring people into willingly paying higher taxes and higher prices on consumer goods.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who was elected in September, this week introduced a bill to repeal the carbon tax the previous administration had saddled Australians with.

“We have said what we mean, and will do what we say. The carbon tax goes,” Abbott told Australian lawmakers at the first meeting of the new Parliament. “Repealing the carbon tax should be the first economic reform of this parliament.”

The Liberal-National Party, which is conservative in outlook, swept into office largely due to the economic blowback from the carbon dioxide emissions tax that had been imposed by the liberal Labor Party. The tax has been blamed for slowing the economy and raising utility costs.

Eliminating the tax will cut $435 million in funding from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, or ARENA. This has caused wailing among the environmentalist crowd, which insists that “green” energy funded by taxpayers is the key to the future.

“The axing of $435 million from ARENA will starve research and development of clean energy in Australia, moving us to the back of the global race for clean tech,” said Tony Mohr of the Australian Conservation Foundation.

The Australian government is also planning on sitting out the newest rounds of environmental talks in Warsaw, Poland. It is also reconsidering future contributions to the United Nations’ Green Climate Fund.

The moves have got Australian environmentalists in full tantrum mode, but they’ve earned praise from the Canadian government, which rejected a carbon tax in 2008.

The Canadians say they have managed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions while growing the economy by 1 million net new jobs, by not imposing a tax and other restrictions sought by environmentalists.

Canadian Parliamentary Secretary Paul Calandra said, “Our government knows that carbon taxes raise the price of everything, including gas, groceries, and electricity.”

It’s a message that needs to sink in with American voters and politicians.