Limp-Noodle Republicans v. Senora Sotomayor

Posted by Chuck Muth
June 4, 2009 at 10:29 am

Picture Gen. Lee’s army in full battle retreat, bugles blaring, white flags blowing wildly in the wind, hound dogs barking and yelping among the thundering hooves of panicked horses running for their lives with pots and pans clanging loudly as they’re dragged through the dirt, kicking up giant clouds of dust.

Now picture the modern-day GOP’s present position in the battle over Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the United States Supreme Court.

Not much difference, is there?

You know what really fries my green tomatoes about this? The fact that the conservatives who oppose this nomination couldn’t give a Hoover Dam about Ms. Sotomayor’s race. With her judicial record and activist “empathies,â€