Published: 09/18/09, 12:32 PM

President Carter the Second

by Dr. Ron Breiman

It is not only an Israeli problem.

American Presidents usually serve in the White House for two terms - eight years. Sometimes, a president stays

Obama is facing a severe crisis in three nuclear, or nucleating, states: North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.

only four years. A well-known example is Jimmy Carter, who was in office between 1977 and 1981.

Carter lacked the skill needed to correctly analyze the complex situations in various parts of the world, and especially in the Middle East. The outcome was his stumbling treatment of the Iranian issue, which led to the collapse of the Shah's regime (due to his naive concern regarding human rights there), to the rise of the ayatollahs who govern Iran and endanger the world since 1979, to the embarrassing crisis of 52 Americans being captured and held in Iran for 444 days, to the failed operation to liberate them. He was humiliated when they were freed only after his defeat in the 1980 elections, on the day when President Ronald Reagan was inaugurated.

The first months of Barack Hussein Obama in office indicate that the current president shares a similar difficulty, and insinuate that the outcome may be similar - perhaps once again in the Iranian arena. Obama is facing a severe crisis in three nuclear, or nucleating, states: North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.

The North Koreans already have a nuclear state that possesses launching capacity and they use provocations in order to check the resolve of the American administration. Facing the hesitation in Washington, Pyongyang dares more and more.

In Pakistan, a long-time nuclear power, there is a real danger that the regime might collapse, and its nuclear capacities be captured by the rebels. The insurgents are now approaching the capital and facing the weakness of the government, in spite of American backing.

Iran is galloping towards possession of nuclear power and the bomb, ignoring the Western "pressure" to cease. In the near future, these three states may be governed by extreme and adventurous regimes, possessing nuclear power.

In addition, the US and the world are facing the worst economic crisis in the last 80 years.

Yet, with all these problems on his desk, President Hussein Obama, the leader of the free world, is dealing again and again with the housing and childbirth of the Jews in their homeland. It seems as if Obama's courting of the Muslim world (e.g., his speech in Cairo) distorts his analysis of the global reality. It is not only an Israeli problem. When the leader of the free world has an unreasonable order of priorities, it is a problem for America and for the entire free world.

An example of that distortion is an answer given by American Vice-President Joe Biden when asked about a
The leader of the free world is dealing again and again with the housing and childbirth of the Jews in their homeland.
possible Israeli attack in Iran. He said that the US cannot dictate to a sovereign country what it can or cannot do. These words are in contradiction with the American dictates regarding Jewish housing and life in the heartland of the Jewish country and in their capital city. Even this contradiction proves that the current American administration is too immature to manage global affairs.

Another example is the American functioning in Iraq. The populist promise was to withdraw troops by 2012 and to transfer rule to an Iraqi government; yet, such government can survive if - and only if - American troops are there.

The same is true for Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), the chairman of the Palestinian (Terror) Authority. He can survive only as long as the IDF protects him.

Iran and Syria, the aggressive neighbors of Iraq, are already awaiting the American withdrawal, planning invasion and division of Iraq. It should also be brought to Obama's attention that both Jordan and Israel, America's allies in this part of the world, will suffer a lot from this poor decisionmaking regarding Iraq, Iran and Syria.

Looking at the way in which Hussein Obama conducts his global policy - especially in the Middle East - one can expect that he may end his term as President Carter the Second: another one-term president who maltreats Jews (see Carter's book Peace not Apartheid, and various statements he has made) and who failed the Iranian test. ... .aspx/9061