A Dangerous Presidency Begins
by Mac Johnson



By the time you read this, we will be well into the second month of historic celebrations of the historic election of our historic new leader President Barack Lincoln Kennedy Emmanuel (Hussein) Obama.

I hate to be a contrarian during the coronation of our Great Leader, but the sum of the facts compels the conclusion that we are today entering one of the most dangerous periods in our nation’s history. The combination of the hype and propaganda surrounding the man and the hype and propaganda regarding the economic crisis we are in present a unique hazard for an unchecked, unexamined and unopposed expansion of government power and a radical shift in the foundations of our America’s political culture.

This belief is not merely sour grapes in action, either. Anyone who reads my column regularly knows how little I think of John McCain. The dread I have when watching Obama is not reactionary. It is the result of a constellation of bad omens and unusual conditions that could dissolve and pass without incident, or they could mean long-term disaster.Continued
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First among these is that Barack Obama, more than any other politician in American history, is a product of, and partner with, the media. In this election, the mainstream media dispensed with all pretext of fairness and ran interference for Obama. It protected him from attack, examination, rumor, fact, his own positions, inexperience, and history, and gleefully promoted him as Hope Incarnate, a panacea for what ills all the world.

The media fancies itself a watchdog of politicians. For Obama it has been, by turns, a protective guard dog and an adoring poodle. The only threat the media ever presented to Obama is that lapdog Chris Matthews might knock him down and try to leg hump him, so great was his spastic, embarrassing adoration. One of the most disturbing things I have ever seen was the media, in the days after the election, marveling at how little they really knew about that enigma, Barack Obama. It was an admission of gross failure by a few honest members of the media. Whoever he is, he is now the most powerful man in the world.

Add to this that his party has been swept to large majorities in both the House and the Senate, where the leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, are both unilateralist partisans. Congress will be nothing more than a rubber stamp for President Obama, especially with the Republicans so demoralized and unconfident after Bush and McCain. The Democrats will back anything Obama offers and most Republicans will be too spineless to stand before the media and oppose Obama’s mandate for unspecified “change.â€