RALEIGH, N.C. — European trips taken by First Lady Mary Easley included "unreasonable and excessive expenses," according to a report released Thursday by State Auditor Leslie Merritt.

Easley took the trips to France and to Estonia and Russia with the state Department of Cultural Resources.

Gov. Mike Easley's office released a statement in response to the audit: "The first lady was asked by Cultural Resources to attend. And as such, she did what she was asked to do by the department."

Staci Meyer, Cultural Resources' chief deputy secretary, filed a response to the audit.

"While the department disagrees with your conclusions regarding 'unreasonable costs,' after thoughtful consideration of your observations and recommendations, the department will expend private contributions to pay for any costs you have characterized as 'unreasonable.'"

The auditor's report identified those "unreasonable" expenses as:

An average per-room lodging expense of $955.40 while in St. Petersburg
Excessive meal reimbursements that included a lunchtime caviar cocktail costing $332.12 and hundreds of dollars in alcohol purchases in violation of state policy
Entertainment expenses, including ballet tickets costing $1,169.56
24-hour availability of private transportation for the first lady in a Mercedes SUV for $27,012.61
The report also noted that the first lady’s former executive assistant was reimbursed $227.50 for a “Meal for 4â€