5 Hours Ago by Susanne Posel

What Yale Gunman Hoax Teaches Us About Police State Controls


This week, officials at Yale University locked down their campus in conjunction with the local law enforcement when reports of a gunman surfaced.
From a pay phone off campus (?) an anonymous caller stated that his roommate was “heading toward campus with a gun” and the intention to shoot people.
This is the story given to the press by Officer David Hartman, spokesman for the New Haven Police Department (NHPD).
On Twitter, messages alerted campus residents and students that there was an “unconfirmed report of a person on campus w/ a gun. Please stay indoors.”

Confusion set in as the Tweets claimed that these allegations were true.

According to the emergency management department at Yale, these reports were “NOT a test” and there was a gunman on campus with the aim to kill people.
Several persons claimed to have seen a man with a “long gun” which prompted a search of the campus and review of surveillance video.
These “fairly well-confirmed” reports were determined to be law enforcement themselves who were spotted by students and reported as suspicious behavior to the NHPD.
Scattered mentions of backpacks and undescriptive assault-style guns were found to be “nothing tangible.”

The full-on confirmation brought together campus law enforcement, as well as:

• Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
• Connecticut Department of Homeland Security (CDHS)
• Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
• Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Dean Esserman, chief of the NHPD, revealed that each student’s dormitory room was searched and specified areas were under lockdown and secured.
Students recalled hearing noises and persons shouting: “Take cover” and “Get your hands out of your pockets.”
Officials at Yale told students to go to their rooms and “do not open doors to anyone, even to people identifying themselves as police. Lock your suite doors and do not open them until further notification.”
SWAT teams combed the campus with campus police to search for a person they were not sure was even on the campus. With no injuries, no suspect and only rumors to fuel their search, the military-like brigade of police officers announced that “the Yale campus is safe.”
To continue the ruse that there was a caller and an actual person that may have been a threat to the safety of the students and facility at Yale, Esserman asserted that “though it is starting to tilt in the direction of an innocent mistake, it started with a purposeful and malicious call.”
Esserman also promised the press that he would “track down and arrest” whoever made the call.
Justifying the immediate use of police state tactics, Esserman said: “The Yale police made the right call. They went to immediate lockdown to keep everybody safe.”

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