Not sure is this belongs in videos or this board but I just had to bring this over I have watched it twice I so thoroughly enjoyed it!!!!

Baby Boxer’s Temper Tantrum

Posted By drscoundrels On 18 Feb 2011. Under Congress, Cuts, Obamacare, Political Commentary, Political Correctness Tags: boxer, Congress, idiocy, legislation, mean, micromanage, nosy, senate, shrew, waste

What in the world could someone have against someone saving money?

Check out this spite filled temper tantrum. ... r_embedded

I’m still not sure if she just did a 180 degree turn and convinced California that she was just the nicest lady to walk down the street or not, but they were fooled into believing that Barbara had any real good in mind for them.

She doesn’t like the cuts coming, she doesn’t believe in stopping the spending, loves the ideas of taxes and apparently doesn’t like anyone doing something to save money because it annoys her. What she’s fussing about isn’t illegal, so something is spurring this rant on:

Keep in mind, this situation must be a pet peeve of Little Miss Peeves. Someone sleeping in their office. She’s never heard of this idea of sleeping in one’s office. No one she knows of EVER does that in their corporate offices. Nope.

Really? I bet all those people who have spent nights on futons, couches, hide a beds, cots or just in sleeping bags on the floor would be REALLY surprised – what a realistic hallucination. There are people all over the world who do this during crunch time when time is money.

On top of that – she thinks they should be solving the “housing crisisâ€