Help stop the CFR’s treason
Thursday, April 12, 2007
The 2006 Annual Report of the Council on Foreign Relations is more alarming than many previous editions.

The report demonstrates that a number of dangerous initiatives are rapidly being undertaken. However, two moves stand out that are of concern to Americans:

1. They are brazen in their determination to merge the three countries of Mexico, Canada and these United States. “Integration” is the word they use. This, of course, is treason. What else can you call merging the countries of North America? It means the end of U.S. sovereignty, the Constitution as the law of the land and the freedom of the American people.

2. They have made great strides in enlisting the help of individuals who previously could be counted on to oppose their plans. One person in particular stands out: Richard D. Land, President of the Southern Baptist Convention Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, elected to CFR membership last year. This is by no means the only example of CFR influence in the Christian right.

One of the key elements in their dangerous initiatives is the North American Free Trade Agreement. We learned how important NAFTA would be to the insiders from Henry Kissinger in 1993. He said NAFTA “is not a conventional trade agreement, but the architecture of a new international system.” Not everyone believed it at the time of its enactment, but subsequent events have shown that Kissinger knew what he was talking about. He said that it was the architecture of the New World order. The architecture — the basis therefore — for merging the United States into the North American Union is based on NAFTA. Many other agenda items of the insiders likewise are based on NAFTA. NAFTA gives the insiders the legal base to proceed. The documents we have seen concerning merger, immigration, corridors and many other initiatives rest on NAFTA, and the architects of the North American merger say so either openly or by implication. If, for no other reason, we need to get rid of NAFTA because its tribunals can now supersede our state and federal courts, including the Supreme Court, placing our courts under international control.

Representative Virgil H. Goode Jr., R-Va., introduced House Concurrent Resolution 22 “expressing the sense of Congress that the President should provide notice of withdrawal of the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement.” Representative Goode also introduced House Concurrent Resolution 40 “expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada.” Please contact your representative and senators and urge them to support both H. Con. Res. 22 and H. Con. Res. 40.

Be sure to utilize the letter found under “Stop the NAFTA Super Highway Steppingstone to a North American Union” found on the Legislative Action Center web page:

(Gallant lives in Napa.)

Here are some comments from a couple of crackpots:

Holy Black Helocopters Batman! wrote on April 12, 2007 3:22 PM:
"Wow tri-lateral commissions, one world governments, the illuminati, and Henry Kissinger. This article reads like a Dan Brown novel. All of you conspiracy nuts need to put on your tin-foil hats and stop listening to the voices in your head. No one's going to abduct you and perform experiments on you. Your cattle aren't going to be mutilated. Take a deep breath, sit back and relax and let me tattoo this bar-code on your forehead. Just kidding about the last. "

Jonathan Wheelwright wrote on April 12, 2007 8:00 AM:
"My name is Jonathan Wheelwright, and I am the founder of United North America, a non-profit organization that wishes to see the amalgamation of Canada and the United States into one political entity. While I share many of the fears you have brought to light, I think the overall message that you are sending is needlessly negative. If I may suggest, you should look to the prospects of a North American Union much like one would have looked at the prospects of creating a United States of America in the 1770s. The union of the American states could have become a terrible nighmare for its citizenry if it was crafted and molded by a elite group that wished to maintain power over the people. However, the United States of America was founded on the belief that freedom and democracy were more important than loyalty to a far-away king, and so we we're blessed with a wonderful nation. The USA was also founded on the belief that united we are stronger than divided. And it is that unity that has given the 50 states of America great power and wealth in this world. Amplifying this power with the rich resources and talented people of Canada will only strengthen us against growing powers to the east and west of us. A North American Union brought about by undemocratic means is not what any freedom-loving person would like to see, but the idea of strength in numbers is not necessarily a bad one, if harnessed properly. So I petition you to, instead of trying to stop the inevitable outcome in this globalizing world, harness the positive aspects of the proposition and help force a democratic union that will be of positive benefit to our common society as a whole. Sincerely, Jonathan Wheelwright "One people, one culture, one nation""