It seems that the war and the judges they might appoint are the only real differences between Obama and McCain from the way I see it.

The part about the judges seems very important to me and I know that the war is too.

But what I'd like to more CLEARLY understand is why exactly we should remain in Iraq.

Is it likely that sooner or later we will be in a war with Iran?

It's all becoming a big blur to me to where I can't even figure out what to be for and what to be against anymore.

I'm wondering if we could politely discuss the facts regarding this.

I believe that illegal immigration is an integral part of the whole big picture due to the issue of our security, so I'm asking this question about the war and the Middle East in general feeling that it is appropriate and alright to do so.

Thank you for your opinions and any facts and important information you have which might help me to better understand all of this and come to some stronger conclusions.