The Candid Conservative

-from the desk of-

Dr. Carl Mumpower - The Candid Conservative

One Oak Plaza - Suite 309 · Asheville, NC 28801
(82252-8390 ~

Conservative Candor...

On December 7th, we recorded our first 'Conservative Candor' one minute podcast. Going forward it will be available on a daily basis (Monday-Saturday) on various sites. Until we get our web, media, and other venues firmly in place, you can find our "minute with a candid conservative..." at the following web address. You may notice a little glitch at about 45 seconds that we are working out with their web site. In any case, you'll get the drift, fun and a quick taste of what's to come-

Speaking of web sites, we need some help with updating our web site at Our able web site developer is tied up for now and we are under a bit of a time press. If you know Joomla! - please contact us about possibilities on fine tuning the website we have in place.

Take a mixture of politics, psychology, and punch and you have the mission of 'The Candid Conservative'. More is coming...

Thanks for your interest,

Carl Mumpower
The Candid Conservative

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