The Black Hole Society Part I

Jim Kirwan

"There are many popular myths concerning black holes, many of them perpetuated by Hollywood. Television and movies have portrayed them as time-traveling tunnels to another dimension, cosmic vacuum cleaners sucking up everything in sight, and so on. It can be said that black holes are really just the evolutionary end point of massive stars. But somehow, this simple explanation makes them no easier to understand or less mysterious." From NASA's 'Imagine the Universe.'

Part One: Origins

From time immemorial mankind has associated life on earth with life on this planet, as we exist within the entire solar system. What is clear today is that we have lost our way entirely, whether we are speaking of life among the stars or of life as it is still possible here, on what's left of the smoldering earth: We say we have placed our 'faith in math and science' but instead we have become only cynical-citizens in The Black Hole Society: A society that has indeed become "Too Big To Succeed!

Our original 'knowledge base' came from the study of the stars almost as far back as history goes. It began with an awareness of the position of the stars that could indicate everything from the time to plant crops to pre-knowledge of the movements of migrating birds and animals-all the way to higher mathematics and all the other major breakthroughs. This enabled things like the construction of the Pyramids and the particulars of the seasons, but it also allowed us access to some of the true mysteries of life that if used properly, could keep this planet healthy and productive for all its life forms. This wealth of early knowledge was especially evident in things like the astrolabe; the pocket- watch-size star-map (pictured above). This was a Second Century B.C. version of today's GPS-brought to the world by the Arabs- whose historical museum of early global history was totally destroyed in our 2003 invasion of Baghdad that began 6 years ago.

"Time" is an invention of man, overlaid on an accurate understanding of the seasons and the cycles of life and death. The Stars were used to determine one's location on the planet; whether on land, in the deserts or the oceans; and that breakthrough defined "Place." This led to the sophistication of mapmaking that enhanced trade-routes and improved life for the developed world. When these breakthroughs supported the natural growth of wealth and life, society's at large improved, to the direct degree to which the knowledge was used to benefit the natural balance and to the increased knowledge of the world, and our individual part in everything in it.

Of course along the way 'knowledge' became an end in itself and the hoarding of knowledge became something of a cottage industry. This was perhaps first undertaken by the Shaman's in the caves of 17,000 years ago-when 'art' was first used to connect whole populations to the world and to the mysteries which were a huge part of everyone's ability to survive within those widely scattered places in that ancient world.

As time passed many 'religions' took their turn at 'controlling what had by then become 'the secret or sacred knowledge.' As mankind continued its own chaotic journey toward what we now have inherited; religions morphed into political constructs designed around ambition and greed that undermined the original balance and possession of wealth which the original knowledge had offered to the species of human beings-turning everything into a bottom-line mentality of acquisition and unchecked power. This artificial control, sometimes called the law of Supply & Demand, has led the world of today into the current quagmire of starvation and excess which has rendered whole continents as impoverished zones of privation, wage-slavery and life-long destitution.

In America we have now had "thirty years of flat and declining wages, 47 million of us in America without healthcare, 20 percent more people in poverty today than when George Bush took office, and CEO pay that in 1980 was forty times as much as the average worker, today is 400 times as much as the average worker-more inequality in the US than we've had since the 1920s, the greatest inequality in the world."

This savaging of the imbalance between Abundance & Want is a direct result of our wholesale subscription, as a nation, to our membership in The Black Hole Society.

To address these unsustainable crimes against our fellow-beings; Americans during the last two years began to publicly think about "Change." But 'change' is not a well defined concept and can have very different meanings. In history this 'change' can run the gambit from a localized solar eclipse all the way to the death of an entire star system somewhere in the universe; which means that those seeking such things need to be very particular about what kind of 'change' they really want to have; especially when the people they are making their demands of have not a single moral or ethical bone anywhere within their thoroughly corrupted beings. The current case in point refers to the pathetic case of 'President Barack Obama a Fraud You Can Believe In.' (1)

End of Part One.

1) President Barack Obama A Fraud You Can Believe In ... 341303.txt