Published on Aug 21, 2013

Are events happening today, including domestic spying as well as wars abroad and at home, the signs of the end of America? Or are these just the latest installments in a long history of abuses by those in power that go back to the earliest days of the Republic?

While Democrats blame Republicans and members of the GOP place the blame for national misfortunes on the left, ordinary people continue, in many ways, to be left behind.

Documents detailing questionable practices by the Federal government have been released by the thousands from whistleblower's Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. These revelations are raising anger around the country over the behavior of those charged with protecting America from threats to our society.

While the United States remains the world's lone military superpower, there are many people who are beginning to question whether recent events are similar to what occurred in the Roman Empire before it fell fifteen hundred years ago.

Our guest today is Olga Ravassi. She is a co-founder of Serbian Radio Chicago, and is also a political analyst. She has worked in television and radio for media outlets including ABC and NBC.

Ravassi was featured in a video from 2012 focused on how libertarian firebrand Ron Paul was viewed from a Serbian perspective. That interview made the rounds of the internet that election cycle, helping to build Ravassi's name recognition.

In July, she wrote an article called "Collapse of the Empire," in which Ravassi makes some startling predictions about what will happen to the United States in the near-future. We are here today to talk to her about this recent article.

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