Fort Hood Shooter a product of "invade the world invite the world" agenda

November 18, 5:05 PMLA Nonpartisan Examiner
Robert Stark

The shooting at Ft. Hood by an American Muslim of Palestinian has sparked up much of the usual rhetoric about "Islamo-fascism". Since 9/11 many Americans consider America at war with radical Islam and to some even the entire Muslim world. Some are even calling for banning Muslims from the military, which is unconstitutional.

There were many suspicious signs that the shooter Nidal Malik Hasan had radical beliefs but political correctness kept those in positions of authority from taking action. Hassan had stated that he wanted out of the military and was even willing to offer financial compensation to leave. Hasan was set to be deployed to Iraq and did not want to go and kill fellow Muslims.

It is easy to take a knee jerk reaction toward these type of tragedies, but much like 9/11 they are a product of our government's policies. While some political hacks say we are hated for our freedom the reality is that we are engaging in wars against Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan, unconditionally supporting Israel over the Palestinians, and continue to have our troops in Saudi Arabia which Muslims consider Holy Land to protect oil interest. All of these along with the promotion of decadent immoral culture by Hollywood in the Muslim world are reasons that there is a rising tide of Islamic extremist who are willing to sacrifice their lives and freedom to kill Americans.

On the other hand we have a policy of open borders, massive immigration, political correctness, and multi-culturalism. We make enemies with people than we invite them into our nation and the culture of political correctness and diversity makes it difficult to deal with them once they are in our nation. It is important to acknowledge that these extremist do not represent the majority of Muslims in America but it is our policies that allow for them to enter our nation and make it difficult to deal with them.

Hasan's family were immigrants from the West Bank and America's support for Israel's occupation was probably a major motivation for his shooting and one of the main reasons we are hated in the Arab world. Because of the power of special interest such as the military industrial complex, Israeli Lobby, and big oil we continue a policy of interventionism in the middle east which is costing us lives and treasure and causing terrorism against us.

These policies have been accurately coined as "invade the world invite the world". It is common sense that it would be foolish to make an enemy with someone and than invite them into your home but this is exactly what we are doing with our foreign policy. The 9/11 hijackers were able to enter our nation through visas which we allowed them to overstay. Most of our same leaders such as Clinton, Bush, McCain, and now Obama support wars in the middle east and massive immigration, while our ports and borders remain unsecured. Their refusal to secure our borders proves that they are not really concerned about terrorism. To them another terrorist attack means another opportunity to crack down on Constitutional Liberties and start more wars in the middle east. ... rld-agenda