WEBCommentary Contributor
Author: Michael J. Gaynor
Bio: Michael J. Gaynor
Date: September 23, 2009
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Topic category: Government/Politics
The Facts about ACORN/Obama/NYT Steny Hoyer Needs to Know

Ms. MonCrief, an observant, computer savvy, young black single mother who was inside "the belly of the beast," turned to the light and chose to do what's right, is President Obama's worst nightmare. If the American public learns what she knows, it will be more than Team Obama and ACORN can bear. Hopefully, Fox News will move on swiftly from sensationalism based on sex that predictably attracted great interest and expose the political corruption that has put America and traditional American values in grave jeopardy. THAT would be change we really could believe in. If Fox News relies on Ms. MonCrief, then, YES WE CAN!

Fact: Barack Obama is president, thanks to ACORN and the liberal media establishment.

Fact: ACORN whistleblower and now ex-radical Anita MonCrief hopefully voted for Obama, yet made available information showing Obama's unfitness to be president to The New York Times and ABC as well as to me, but that information did not appear on the public radar screen.

Matt Cover, "Hoyer Wants More Facts on ACORN Before Pulling Funding" (September 22, 2009): "ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, has come under scrutiny recently after the release of multiple videos apparently showing ACORN employees instructing two journalists posing as a pimp and a prostitute on how to file taxes for an illegal business."

CNSNews.com to House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D. Md.): “You voted a couple of days ago for an amendment which prohibited federal funding from going to ACORN. Are you committed to ensuring that a final bill which prohibits federal funding of ACORN passes this year and will you urge President Obama to sign that bill into law?â€