The Dangers of the North American Union by Jerome Corsi -- NAU SPP NWO NAFTA ... ature=fvwp

Jan 5, 2007

President Obama abandoned his campaign promise to renegotiate NAFTA and is continuing to push the NAU. In early 2011 he signed an agreement which when implemented will effectively abolish the US/Canadian border, and aproved Mexican trucks to take to our roads--and to take American trucking jobs. Obama's apparent contempt for American patriotism and admiration for America's enemies gives further cause for alarm.

Please write and call your Senators and Congressmen, urging them to oppose all efforts to continue the SPP, merge the nations, create the Amero or other U.N./non-American currency, stop the NAFTA Superhighway, and secure our borders.

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Note: the DVD copy of this video as mentioned in the show is no longer available for free, but due to higher costs is available for $20.00.

This Conservative Roundtable interview of Jerome Corsi by Howard Phillips reveals how behind closed doors, the US government collaborates with the governments of Mexico and Canada to merge the three nations into one Socialist mega-state: the "North American Union" (NAU), also known as the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" (SPP). Mr. Corsi is an investigative journalist for where you can find many of his articles exposing the NAU; and he is a best selling author of many books including "Obama Nation." This interview was taped in 2006: the facts and scheme has not changed, however we have helped slow and stop some elements of this, and Obama has succeeded with enacting some elements. Continued vigilence and action is essential to stop this.

Freedom and our Constitution will have no place in this grim Orwellian future. The Dollar could be scrapped for the "Amero" formed by including Mexican and Canadian currencies (or a global UN currency led by Red China, Russia and Venezuela), and Socialist economic policies.

There would be no First and Second Amendments and no limit on the power of government. This is following the exact same path as merging Europe into the EU; abandoning sovereignty for Socialist conformity, and assigning convenience a far higher priority than freedom. The leaders of the US, Mexico and Canada meet often to enact the NAU: 2011 in separate meetings with Mexican and Canadian leaders, and at joint secret summits in 2009 in Guadalajara Mexico, 2008 in New Orleans, & 2007 in Montebello Canada; each time advancing the cause of surrendering the nation our founding fathers built to secure our freedom.

Behind the scenes, the shadow government bureaucrats and corporate profiteers meet in "working groups" including the National Competitiveness Council (NACC), SPP, and other entities to incrementally "integrate" and "harmonize" the US with Mexico and Canada following the same blueprint in creating the European Union.

One of the prime architects of the NAU, Robert Pastor, has discussed how another 9/11 crisis could be used to force through the merger--in other words, you and even Congress won't even have a voice in this outrageous surrender of our country--unless we all act NOW to have Congress outlaw and/or rescind any Presidential actions which would lead to such a merger of our nations in any way.

Could the current financial crisis be intended to create the emergency to dissolve our nation and the Dollar?

Canadian citizens would lose their independence as well to their southern neighbors under the NAU - in Canada the scheme is known as "Deep Integration." America's former borders would be wide open to drug smuggling and terrorists. Mexico could suffer a catastrophic brain-and-labor-drain as all Mexican citizens by right could move to the U.S. & Canada. Leaders in both major U.S. parties as well as the ruling parties in Mexico and Canada are determined to wipe out your freedom, unless you act now. This is why Obama refuses to secure the border--he wants to abolish it!

The NAFTA Superhighway/Trans Texas Corridor (TTC) is being built as part of the NAU to serve the Chinese so they can unload ships using cheaper Mexican dockworkers and use Mexican trucks and trains instead of American port workers and American trucks/trains. Goodbye American jobs!

Howard Phillips is the Chairman of The Conservative Caucus, America's Constitutional Government action organization. Your assistance is invited. Creator & producer: Art Harman. 703-938-9626

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We wish to reach our friends in Canada and Mexico to warn them of the dangers of the SPP/NAU to their independence and future:

Arrêter l'Union de l'Amérique du Nord.
Partenariat Nord-Américain pour la Sécurité et la Prospérité (PSP).

Poner fin a la unión de América del Norte.

Alianza para la Seguridad y la Prosperidad en América del Norte (ASPAN).