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Letter To Congress: Preview Letter

Take a look at our letter on Support HR 6050. To personalize and send, complete the form below. Your address and your Representative's name and address will be automatically inserted.

Your Address
Your City ST 12345

November 11, 2006

Dear [Your Rep's Name]:

As your constituent and an American citizen, I am greatly concerned about U.S. manufacturing jobs being lost due to a tidal wave of imports. Since 2000, more than 2.6 million factory jobs have been lost to subsidized competition from China, Japan, and other low-wage nations. This steady outsourcing of good-paying jobs has also resulted in greater indebtedness for American workers, and for the nation as a whole. In 2005 alone, the U.S. trade deficit with the rest of the world reached $726 billion.

Representative Michael Michaud (D-ME) has introduced HR 6050, a bill that would impose a temporary import surcharge whenever the U.S. trade deficit exceeds 2% of GDP. As the current trade deficit is now passing 6%, Rep. Michaud’s bill would allow the President to impose a 20% tariff on manufactured goods entering the country (with exceptions made for vital or unavailable commodities such as oil). Imposing such a surcharge would provide much-needed income for a debt-laden U.S. Treasury, and would help domestic American manufacturers compete more fairly with foreign producers.

I ask you to please add your name to the list of co-sponsors for this important bill. Please stand up and fight for American manufacturing and jobs.

Thank you for your consideration of my views.


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