Once again we find the only free speech liberals support is the speech with which they agree

Senator DeMint: End Taxpayer-Funded Trashing of Free Speech!

By John Lillpop
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Once again, Senator Jim DeMint, Republican from South Carolina, brings clarity and common sense to the national debate on an issue that Americans hold near and dear.

This time, the issue is the un-American treatment of Juan Williams for the unforgivable sin of revealing his true and honest feelings about Muslims on airplanes.

Feelings, by the way, shared by tens of millions of Americans.

Williams’ comments put panties at NPR in a knot, not because of any factual or journalistic concern, but because his words did not conform to NPR’s far-left agenda for PC mumbo-jumbo.

Because Williams “spoke outside the box,â€