Quick, pass the tranquilizer darts, the RINOs are spooked.

Rino Rampage

By Joy Tiz Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Quick, pass the tranquilizer darts, the RINOs are spooked. Karl Rove stomped and pawed the ground in a menacing way with Sean Hannity after Christine O’Donnell’s primary win in Delaware. RINO hunting season is in full swing.

The RINOs are prepared to defend their long held turf by way of eating their own. There are, we’re told, issues about O’Donnell’s past about which we are to be concerned.

NOW they’re worried about a candidate’s past? Barack Obama has a far more troubling past than O’Donnell’s real or imagined one and the Republican let that go with nary a snort.

O’Donnell won. In fact, she won by a healthy margin. You know, will of the people and all that. This RINO versus conservative turf battle is actually healthy. Survival requires periodically thinning the herd.
