Why is Nancy Pelosi still getting a ride back to California in a military airlift command jet that flys non-stop to her congressional District while we have Americans being laid off by the Millions

C-20 (this is what she got) but she wanted Air force 3

Length 83 feet, 2 inches
Height 24 feet, 6 inches
Wing Span 77 feet, 10 inches
Speed 576 mph (501 nautical miles) maximum
Maximum Takeoff Weight 69,700 pounds.
Range 4,715 miles (4,100 nautical miles) long-range
Load 14 passengers
Crew Five
Unit Cost $22.2 million
Date Deployed 1983
Inventory Active force, 10

For those that dont remember.. she complained that the plane had to stop for refueling onetime flying back to her congressional district and demanded a larger jet that wouldn't have to stop at all

See the Article below: Air Force To Become Pelosi Air

I mean hey...

Congress beat up the corporate giants that just bought a 50 million dollar jet after receiving tax payer bailout

Congress beat up the Big Three Automakers that flew into DC to ask for a bailout on million dollar private jets .. on round two they drove back to DC after being ground into mince meat by the Congress

So apparently .. Nancy Peolosi thinks she is more important than these Company's and even you ... every body is a target for criticism but Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama

other points

1. I guess saving tax payer funds is not Important for Nancy that she cannot fly first class on charter airlines

2. I guess the carbon foot print that she leaves on each and every flight means nothing to this woman or the environmental groups or EVEN the TAX PAYER THATS FOOTING THE BILL

3. What is the matter with you America... wake up ... put these Lunatics back in line.. stop putting up with this B.S. from the very people that are putting you into the poor house

It's all about the money to these goof's as long as they are the ones in power .. they will continue to fight over big money and throw you scraps if you are lucky .. or maybe you should just prey you don't get thrown under the bus

This is the mentality that has put this country in the shape it is in ... everyone else is the problem but them (That is ... if you let them tell the story)

You are not the problem ... I am not the problem... the Congress and the Senate is the Problem, the Democrats, Liberals, socialists are the problem

But I gotta tell you ... the Republicans have become pretty damn corrupt as well because they think you do not matter

make your voice heard ... put these nut cases in they're place .. that is if you still want to live in a free country