With midterm elections approaching and incumbents vulnerable and weak, Washington looks set to take its biggest housecleaning in many years. It is not a left-right thing which is the mold the media continues to try to force it into. It is an incumbent thing. Rule number one is vote out all incumbents, with precious few exceptions. The rest have little to offer in defense of why they should stay any longer.

It's time to say no to more debt, to more war, and to more tyranny.

It doesn't matter much who the opponent of the incumbent is or what party. The beauty of the Constitution is that the entire Congress is up for re-election every two years.

Similarly, the rumblings of impeachment are being heard from the likely quarters of the right, but the calls have spread to Obama's disaffected left, who voted for him to pull out of Iraq in 16 months, without substituting an equally large war for it in Afghanistan, to halt George W. Bush's slide into fascist dictatorship, and other things. Here's Associate Professor of Political Science Michael Green:

Did this clown really say on national television that "I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of you know, fat cat bankers on Wall Street"?!?! Really, Barack? So, like, my question is: Then why the hell did you help out a bunch of fat cat bankers on Wall Street?!?!...are you going to spend the next three interminable years perfecting your whiney victim persona?... "I did not run for office to be shovel-feeding the military-industrial complex"? But what they're just so darned pushy?

"...I did not run for office to continue George Bush's valiant effort at shredding the Bill of Rights. It's just that those government-limiting rules are so darned pesky."
In an amazing feat, Obama has managed to out-Bush Bush in shredding the Constitution, expanding state secrets, and prosecuting whistleblowers who do not threaten national security but do threaten political embarrassment.

The single best reason to impeach Obama, who has lost much of the left except the Lobbyist Left and the unions, is his declaration that he can murder us without a trial if it pleases him. He has tried to appease the right, and in the process only made himself hated by everyone. For heavens' sake, the guy won't even do the Wave! Not even George W. Bush, as bad as he was on the Constitution and our rights, claimed the power to assassinate any American without due process or trial, or told us he was keeping lists of which citizens he would like to assassinate. If the impeachment of Obama is to succeed, it should be for the right reasons. Moaning about socialism and Obamacare isn't enough, and is in fact probably just a ruse by the major parties to force popular dissatisfaction back into a left-versus-right contest which can be managed.

What cannot be managed by the Powers That Be is people calling for a return of their rights. How can the Tea Parties be concerned about the ushering in of Obamacare and socialism, but not the ushering in of Obama's claim of authority, unprecedented in American history, to kill any US citizen on the spot? Bringing in socialism may be serious, though Ron Paul argues that Obama is anything but a socialist. Maybe socialism for corporations. What could be more serious, or tyrannical, or un-American, or alien to our country's values than the Stalinist authority to declare anyone an "enemy of the state" and execute him?

Glenn Greenwald has reported in his article "Presidential assassinations of U.S. citizens" that:

"American citizens are now being placed on a secret "hit list" of people whom the President has personally authorized to be killed"
Greenwald quotes a Washington Post article:

"Both the CIA and the JSOC maintain lists of individuals, called "High Value Targets" and "High Value Individuals," whom they seek to kill or capture. The JSOC list includes three Americans, including [New Mexico-born Islamic cleric Anwar] Aulaqi, whose name was added late last year. As of several months ago, the CIA list included three U.S. citizens, and an intelligence official said that Aulaqi's name has now been added"
George Bush prepped the way by dusting off the "enemy combatant" designation used in World War II and other wars to deal with Americans accused of traitorous intentions. Bush then applied it to the first war in American history which would last forever, and whose battlefield was everywhere, including America. Bush arrested Jose Padilla on May 8, 2002 at Chicago O'Hare Airport, and alleged that he was plotting to explode a "dirty bomb." Padilla was then disappeared into military custody for nearly four years. During that time Padilla's lawyers say he was tortured and given mind-altering drugs. Padilla was completely docile when he was finally released for a civilian trial four years later, and did not participate in his own defense.

It was only Obama, however, who recently declared that not only could a US citizen be held in secret, with almost no outside contact, indefinitely (which is the duration of the "war on terror") but executed by a Special Operations hit team or a drone attack as well. The story is always the same. The declared "enemy combatant" was plotting a imminent, grave attack upon Americans which would result in many dead. What accused enemy of the state isn't? There is only one problem with this, overlooked by people happy to give up every one of their rights in order to stay "safe": governments tend to lie, knowingly, deliberately, and for their own political reasons.

On May 6, 2004, Brandon Mayfield, an Oregon attorney, was arrested by the FBI in connection with the Madrid train bombings. A bag containing detonating devices, found by Spanish authorities, had fingerprints that were initially identified by the FBI as "100% verified" as Mayfield's. But in a subsequent lawsuit Judge Ann Aiken found that this information was largely "fabricated and concocted by the FBI and DOJ". Mayfield was cleared only when the Spanish authorities protested that the fingerprints were not a match. Had Mayfield been disappeared under the indefinite detention powers now claimed by the US government under "enemy combatant" rules, he might be in a military brig to this day, unable to prove his innocence.

Louis Greco spent 28 years in jail in Massachusetts for a crime he did not commit, and died behind bars in 1996 at the age of 78. His family was awarded part of a $100 million settlement last year in the largest wrongful conviction award in history. Greco was a World War II double Bronze Star winner who had been framed for murder by the FBI. Judge Nancy Gertner said that the FBI had "encouraged perjury."

No, the government never lies. And it would never lie about who is an "enemy combatant" or why.

Both Ron Paul and Daniel Ellsberg have expressed amazement (Ellsberg said "astonishing") that Obama's proclamation of the clear authority for kingly murder has been completely ignored by Fox News, ABC, CBS, and MSNBC. Not to mention the entire US Congress, with one exception. Some nut balls in the US Congress propose to get around the problem that Americans are supposed to have rights by a solution only a truly Stalinist congressman could dream of: just strip any suspect of citizenship. Joe Lieberman should be stripped of his citizenship for even proposing this. You can bet all US congressmen think they are entitled to all the protections of the law while we are not.

Before now, one of the greatest envies of the world was to have been born an American citizen, with its "inalienable" rights, protections, and due processes. The last ten years have seen the status of having been born in this great land degraded to exactly nothing, with its citizens no more protected against the arbitrary whims of its government than the average Ugandan was against Idi Amin. We must bury our differences for as long as it takes to get back what it means to be an American.

Vote against every incumbent, no matter who or what party is the opponent. It's only two years. The Republicrats passed the TARP and other bail-outs together. Impeach Obama, and do it for a reason that can bring left and right together: The birth certificate controversy, whatever its merits or lack of them, will never gain the traction on the left that is needed.

This will take all hands on deck, and anyway the Bill of Rights is more important than a birth certificate. Nothing will be accomplished by pursuing the birther stuff except the continued left-right division which keeps us from seeing clearly what it at stake. Which is just how the politicians like it. Corruption is also mentioned on the right but this also acts as a diversion,and anyway accusing anyone of corruption in Washington is like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500. That reason for impeachment should be restoring the Constitution, and our sacred Bill of Rights. Tell your congressman if he gets onboard, maybe you'll reconsider his usefulness.