Obama’s dithering on Afghanistan

Cheney Goes There: Obama’s Treason

By Joy Tiz
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. -United States Constitution, Article III, Section 4, Clause 1

Former Vice President, Dick Cheney, not one prone to reckless outbursts , recently gave a sans teleprompter interview to Fox News host, Sean Hannity. The elder statesman has been openly critical of Obama’s dithering on Afghanistan, eventually calling the president out as having jumped the shark from dithering to dereliction. Shortly thereafter, Obama announced an increase in troops to the area.

It’s not the first time Cheney has spoken out against Obama’s fecklessness. Last May, Obama made the harebrained decision to challenge Dick Cheney to a debate on, of all things, foreign policy. Someone on Team O was astute enough to realize that TOTUS would not be well served by being the second act to Cheney, whose speech at AEI had been planned for weeks. Instead, the chaos president scrambled to seize some time immediately preceding the former Vice President’s speech. In an excruciatingly transparent attempt to run out the clock, Obama began late and dragged his speech out for approximately sixteen hours.

Had no one on the O Team reviewed the Cheney/Edwards match up before the 2004 election in which the picayune Edwards was lambasted effortlessly by Mr. Cheney? Cheney always makes pummeling liberals look easy.

Obama, petulant at being challenged, took twenty eight shots at the former administration and blathered about some middle way in dealing with terrorists. Compromise and middle ground are efficacious strategies at PTA meetings; less so with rogue dictators plotting to wipe us off the map.

Cheney’s choice of words in his most recent interview with Hannity were not random shots:

“I mean that the — I think it’ll [the KSM trial] give aid and comfort to the enemy. I think it will make Khalid Sheikh Mohammed something of a hero in certain circles, especially in the radical regions of Islam around the world.â€