Mexico sends more soldiers; 3 men slain
El Paso Times Staff
Article Launched: 05/16/2008 12:00:00 AM MDT

JUAREZ -- Hundreds more Mexican army soldiers arrived in Juárez on Thursday as part of Joint Operation Chihuahua, intended to curb a war among drug traffickers that has rocked the city.

The killings continued Thursday evening with three more homicides, including two men fatally shot after a vehicle chase that ended at a maquiladora, and a man whose body was dumped on a street. At least 17 people have been slain since Monday.

Chihuahua state police identified Guillermo Javier Martinez, 50, as the man killed by men who fired 22 shots Wednes day in the parking lot of the Plaza de las Americas in the ProNaF. Parking attendant Juan Manuel Salas, 35, was wounded in the shooting while washing Martinez's parked car. Salas was hospitalized in critical condition.

Daniel Borunda