Beginning of the End?

Fraudulent Copenhagen Continues

By Barry Napier
Monday, December 7, 2009

The real intentions of the Copenhagen Summit have hit home over recent days, following the email revelations about Phil Jones, et al, (who, I predict, will be suitably sanitised and made out to be a victim, not a perpetrator. If I’m wrong, okay – but watch for the signs).

The BBC is now ‘reporting’ on the scandal, but it begins with those who support climate change policies, and only pro-green scientists are asked to be ‘expert’ commentators. Good one. In a recent ‘report’ the BBC showed large meetings in London of pro-greens demanding action NOW. The reporter then quickly mentioned the scandal, but followed it with ‘assurances’ from the Met Office – who is complicit in pro-green lies. The scandal, they said, won’t alter a thing; the climate arguments still stand firm!

Every report on the climate issue says the same thing: there is no problem, the scandal makes no difference, because the science is settled and the conclusions remain the same! In other words, though the Copenhagen Summit is predicated on fraud and bad science, it “makes no difference to the conclusionsâ€