I feel that the UN is bad and out of control. It is a place for third world dictaters to tell the rest of the free world what to do. But it at least on paper at least does not appear to be a bad thing, for one it watchs and trys to feed, and help people around the world. But as human nature has it the fact that it is controled by a lot of really hateful people and dictaters, it has turned into something that is bad,. I think at the very least it needs to be reformed with check and balances that limits the power of the "nuts" and turned more into a forum for discussion for overall human needs on a global scale. Like it can be turned into a forum for freedom and rights, also to make sure we can pile our resourses in times that our planet is going through a Super Volcano or a ice age, maybe even a Astroid coming towards earth. Those things are all things that we all should fight and have some say in.

I think the UN should be tooken apart right now. It should be replaced with something that is pretty much for a discussion forum, with each nation has one person in it. Each nation gets a say in this, not just the super powers or the more powerful nations. This forum won't have any real powers outside what nations agree to....Yes there can be a elected learder to it to push things a long, but he won't have any powers.

This can also be used as a finger head to go around in teach the poor nations how to build and learn how to grow there own food. It should not be a organzion that gives food outside of maybe extream events like a hurricane or drought. But should teach people...

We should all wish or hope for betterment of our planet. If not why even live. We should also hope that we can some day get off this planet in move outwards.

Maybe I'm crazy but the United states can't do everything for everyone. Yes we can be the main player in it, but feel that other nations have to take it on there selfs to better ther selfs. In if need be we should all help if asked to make sure that no more pain or hunger or at least to the lowest level we can make it.

Why do I say this? Because 8,000 years ago we where hunters that came together to build small towns. We build them bigger and better intill about 5,000 years ago the middle east built the first empire and many more followed. Most of the know world was holded by one government by 50 ad that government was the roman empire. We covered our planet in even went to the moon. We are always advancing...I don't see any reason why we should not keep doing so.

I know this sounds kind of weird, but I just went to hear your input into how you would do this? I understand there is many factors in the world, and islam does not make this a easly thing to do. All the thugs make this planet a a stick of t'n't ready to go off at the moments notice. We can't allow this because if it happens and a nuclear war does happen. We only have one chance...If we kill our selfs we are gone. In that would be sad.

Also the greeks in there city states hated the idea of spreading outwards. Heck they hated other greeks...Things change in time.

Maybe I'm a little native of the facts and how thing work. But I don't went to see my species(humans) die. I went it to spread in be number one.

Whats your thinking?