If you didn’t get a chance to tune in, you’ll certainly hear all about it during the next few days. I’m referring, of course, to the First-in-the-South Republican Primary Debate.

Tonight, millions of Americans from across the country got their first glimpse of the most qualified candidate for President, Governor Gary Johnson. And you can bet they’ll be talking about his unique plan for a freer, more prosperous America.

It’s been an exciting day-and-a-half for Governor Johnson. Earlier today, before the debate, he addressed the Greenville, SC Tea Party’s Freedom Rally. Let me tell you – the response was fantastic. It’s clear that Americans from all walks of life have a deep desire to rein in government spending and restore fiscal sanity.
If you liked the message that you heard from Governor Johnson tonight, please show him your support with a generous donation.

As you know, Gary Johnson kicked off his campaign for President just two short weeks ago on the steps of the New Hampshire State Capitol. Have a listen to his remarks on our homepage, www.GaryJohnson2012.com.

Governor Johnson’s announcement continues to generate a burst of media coverage. From prominent national and regional appearances on CNN’s John King Live, MSNBC’s The Daily Rundown, and New England Cable News, to feature articles in The Atlantic and National Review Online, the amount of coverage has been nothing short of incredible.

After two full days of interviews and campaign stops, Saturday morning was reserved for Gary the athlete and adventurer: an extreme skiing adventure at Tuckerman Ravine on Mount Washington. I encourage you to have a look at these noteworthy accounts from New Hampshire Public Radio and Outside Magazine.

Yes, America is continuing to learn about Gary Johnson -- the entrepreneur, the former Governor, the athlete, the father, the adventurer. I have known Gary Johnson personally for 17 years, and can tell you from experience that there is no race that he cannot win.

In 1994, when he first ran for Governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson was underestimated and written off by elites. But in the end, he overcame long odds and was elected Governor in a state with a 2-to-1 Democrat majority. After debating his opponent 28 times in 1998, he was re-elected by an even wider margin than before.

You and I know that Gary Johnson’s record as Governor of New Mexico is like no other. As tonight’s debate showed, it is clear that Gary Johnson is far more than the typical politician. He actually stands for something. America has never seen a presidential candidate like Gary Johnson – one who transcends partisan boundaries and focuses on issues first.

Americans are ready for a President who will balance the budget tomorrow, not decades down the road. They are ready for a leader who will restore integrity to the Oval Office and transparency to the federal government. And you and I are ready to hear a lot more from Gary Johnson on the national political stage, just as we did tonight.

We are engaged in a race for America’s future, and your dedication is vital to our efforts. Gary Johnson will only succeed if you and I support him to the best of our ability. Won’t you join us? This is your campaign. Please contribute today.

For Liberty,
Ron Neilson
Political Director Gary Johnson 2012

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