Muslim Extremist Calls for Destruction of Sphinx and Pyramids

Ben Wedeman
November 12, 2012
Morgan Al-Gohary, a jihadi sheikh with a history of radicalism, appeared on the private Egyptian TV channel Dream TV 2 Saturday evening and declared that if he and his ilk ever came to power, they would not hesitate to destroy the Sphinx and the pyramids.

He’s no stranger to the notion of vandalizing ancient artifacts, boasting to the show’s host, Wael Al-Abrashi, that while in Afghanistan, he took part along with the Taliban in the demolition of the Bamyan Buddhas in March 2001.

His threat was met by Al-Abrashi and the other two guests with shock. Just to be clear, Al-Abrashi asked the same question three times.

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» Muslim Extremist Calls for Destruction of Sphinx and Pyramids Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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