Ezra Taft Benson, former Secretary
of Agriculture, in 1986 shares
thoughts on the U.S. Constitution,
stating it is a Heavenly Banner
inspired by God for this nation. That
the federal government is trying to
destroy it but at last it will be saved
but not in Washington.

Will we be prepared? Will we be
among those who will "bear the
Constitution away from the very
verge of destruction"? If we desire to
be numbered among those who will,
here are some things we must do:

1. We must be righteous and moral.
We must live the gospel principles-
all of them. We have no right to
expect a higher degree of morality
from those who represent us than
what we ourselves are. To live a
higher law means we will not seek to
receive what we have not earned by
our own labor. It means we will
remember that government owes us
nothing. It means we will keep the
laws of the land. It means we will
look to God as our Lawgiver and the
source of our liberty.

2. We must learn the principles of
the Constitution and then abide by
its precepts. Have we read the
Constitution and pondered it? Are
we aware of its principles? Could we
defend it? Can we recognize when a
law is constitutionally unsound? The
Church will not tell us how to do this,
but we are admonished to do it. I
quote Abraham Lincoln:

Let [the Constitution] be taught in
schools, in seminaries, and in
colleges; let it be written in primers,
spelling-books, and in almanacs; let
it be preached from the pulpit,
proclaimed in legislative halls, and
enforced in courts of justice. And, in
short, let it become the political
religion of the nation. [Complete
Works of Abraham Lincoln, ed. John
G. Nicolay and John Hay, vol. I (New
York: Francis D. Tandy Co., 1905),
p. 43]

3. We must become involved in civic
affairs. As citizens of this republic,
we cannot do our duty and be idle
spectators. It is vital that we follow
this counsel from the Lord: "Honest
men and wise men should be sought
for diligently, and good men and
wise men ye should observe to
uphold; otherwise whatsoever is less
than these cometh of evil" (D&C
98:10). Note the qualities that the
Lord demands in those who are to
represent us. They must be good,
wise, and honest. We must be
concerted in our desires and efforts
to see men and women represent us
who possess all three of these

4. We must make our influence felt
by our vote, our letters, and our
advice. We must be wisely informed
and let others know how we feel. We
must take part in local precinct
meetings and select delegates who
will truly represent our feelings.

I have faith that the Constitution will
be saved as prophesied by Joseph
Smith. But it will not be saved in
Washington. It will be saved by the
citizens of this nation who love and
cherish freedom. It will be saved by
enlightened members of this Church
-- men and women who will
subscribe to and abide by the
principles of the Constitution.


I reverence the Constitution of the
United States as a sacred
document. To me its words are akin
to the revelations of God, for God
has placed his stamp of approval on
the Constitution of this land. I testify
that the God of heaven sent some of
his choicest spirits to lay the
foundation of this government, and
he has sent other choice spirits-even
you who hear my words this day-to
preserve it.

We, the blessed beneficiaries, face
difficult days in this beloved land, "a
land which is choice above all other
lands" (Ether 2:10). It may also cost
us blood before we are through. It is
my conviction, however, that when
the Lord comes, the Stars and
Stripes will be floating on the breeze
over this people. May it be so, and
may God give us the faith and the
courage exhibited by those patriots
who pledged their lives and fortunes
that we might be free, in the name of
Jesus Christ. Amen.

This was sent to me through a family website and to those with US blood in their veins or in their thoughts these remarks are relevant to the past few days. In a fashion much of this also relates to us in the great south land of the Holy ghost as it was referred to by the Portuguese before it was found (Terra Australis De Inspirito Santos) Not sure of the spelling.

Hey, this REMINDER comes from Perth, Western Australia, AU.
Was there some years ago and met some wise folks who are in tune with what counts!!!
The counsel is sound, we'll be wise to use it. We will.
I received this in an email this morning from a friend, thought I would pass it on to you..my friend is a Mormon. It doesn't really matter what your faith is I thought this was very good commentary by this man in these trying times.