See: G.O.P. Agrees to Start Debate on Financial Bill

Mr. Shelby said that the banking committee chairman, Senator Christopher J. Dodd, Democrat of Connecticut, had assured him that Democrats would consider Republican amendments on the floor. But the Republicans do not have the votes to win approval of any of their amendments without substantial Democratic support. And the decision to allow floor debate to begin appeared to be a significant retreat on the part of the Republican minority.

Just remember this is the same gimmick RINOs used to assist democrats in moving the health care reform bill forward. They told us not to fret that they had assurances that Democrats would consider Republican amendments on the floor. We need to kick these un-American RINOs out of Congress along with their pals who are trashing our constitutionally limited system of government right before our very eyes. They always try to cover their rear ends by telling us they have the assurances of the Democrats, when in fact they work with democrats to destroy our country from within! Every important change to protect our personal rights and our free market system ought to have been put into the bill before the Republicans decided to allow the bill to move forward. These RINOs are playing us once again!

Seems to becoming more clear as each day passes that our country has be taken over by a tyrannical gang on Capitol Hill without a shot being fired!


[b]America, we have a problem, we have been attacked from within! We are being destroyed from within by a group of domestic enemies who have managed to seize political power and whose mission is in fact to bring “changeâ€