I was listening to an interview with a vietnam vet who is the VP for the famous Rolling Thunder biker group made up of other veterans. He and other vets want to expose John McCain for the fraud that he truly is. They say he is not a war hero but rather a war survivor. And certainly NOT a conservative.

He is starting a website which will be up in 2 or 3 days called: www.gopteaparty.com

He said the goal is to cleanse the Republican party of the Leftsists (like McCain) and to force a brokered convention. It works like this: people who go to the site must pledge that they will not vote for McCain. In the meantime, he is going around on interviews to talk about this and to expose John McCain's past. Lots of really baaad stuff. If this can ever get out big time, McCain is toast! Maybe this is a good way to payback Mr. McAmnesty! So do you think this can possibly work??

There's also another site he said people should check out: