By CJ Graham
January 13, 2010

Below are excerpts from the monologue Glenn Beck presented on his Fox News program, Jan 8th, 2010.

[“Conspiracies aren’t conspiracies when they’re true and open.

More and more Americans are finding themselves where I am, in a place where you don’t want to believe the stuff that you now do, even the stuff that you would have thought a year ago was crazy town. But you do believe it because you are honest with yourself, you have promised yourself as I have to seek the truth no matter how many times you think about it, no matter how many times you think oh my gosh what does this mean, to my future and the future of my children. If it makes me a pariah, so be it. It is the truth, not stuff I want to believe.

Every president has said it. Our founders said it. America is the world’s last and greatest hope you don’t really have a choice but to deal with the facts as you find them if you want to stand as a guardian of freedom. And if you find those facts and you don’t like them, oh well! So be it! They are the facts.â€