I refuse... absolutly refuse to give ONE damn penny to prop up a deriliction of these states that cannot control theyre own economy

Corrupt and Bankrupt States now want a big chunk of the Bailout

Correct me if I am wrong but states are required to balance they're own budgets.

These same broke states now want money from you and me to pay for they're own corrupt policies through round 2 of the Bailout.

No thank you... each individual states new to bring the budget under control through they're own tax payers.

I do not live in these states intentionally, nor do I plan on ever visiting these states.

Dereliction of duty in Government office needs to be a Federal as well as a State offense, punishable in a court of law.


I DO NOT wish to pay FEDERAL TAXES for INCOMPETENCE and GROSS DERELICTION of DUTY from a BROKE STATE that cannot manage it's own bad business dealings.

California has a 46 Billion Dollar deficit ... so it's going to be back next year.... so these NUT cases are going to want more money next year to finance bigger and Better Corrupt Ideas

Damn... Who do I need to get in touch with so I can rake in Billions of Dollars on your dime

SEPARATE STATES have TAXES ... I REFUSE, ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to pay future Federal Taxes to States that give Illegal Aliens Benefits that I cannot get

The Federal Government has to be given a NO CONFIDENCE VOTE on this issue

SAY NO AMERICA... or your Great Grand Children's Grand Children will be paying for Bad Behavior and Free Meal Tickets

It's long past time to say NO

California and New York Citizens... you need to get your Goofy and I mean Really Goofy Politicians in line ... all the other grossly Liberal States... I have NO Sympathy for you.. Matter of fact your mentally challenged State politicians need to be on trial