This is a newsletter I get is the link you need to sign up to get the newsletter but thought I would bring it over to you all to read..

Dear Patriots:

WE, THE PEOPLE , are called to ACTION to declare our independence from tyranny and to preserve the Constitution of the United States of America.

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SPAIN is the winner today. Voters just kicked out the Socialist Party and decided to control their own destiny. Way to go Spain.


Immediate Release
I am forwarding an email and I am asking that you do two small things. ONE, read it, please. After you have read and understand it, TWO, simply go to one or both of the email addresses listed below and send a brief (or detailed) message asking that the Klamath River Dams NOT be taken down.

This travesty is happening all across our Nation in the name of the Environment but it is purely political and a means to end individual private property rights without recourse or reimbursement. They will be after you in some way so let's stick together and STOP the radicals from taking away our private property.
The blowing of the dams will destroy much needed farm land. AMERICA has a food shortage that can not be replaced if we have a killer frost. WE need all of the farm land we have for food.
(Forwarded from Matt Grocott, MY LIBERTY)

I am writing to ask for your help in supporting the farmers and ranchers of Southern Oregon and Northern California. There is an ugly situation going on there which I have witnessed myself and since witnessing, have been deeply troubled over. I do not understand why our government would go to the measures it has planned to hurt good people barely making a living off their land. What is proposed by the Department of the Interior will be the final blow to an already decimated area economically. These folks need our help.

The Federal Government is planning to destroy four dams on the Upper Klamath River. One in southern Oregon; the other three in northern California. Allegedly, it is to save the Coho salmon. According to people in the area, dam removal will wipe out clean, affordable, electrical power to 70,000 homes, release tons of sediment from behind the dams and make the river less reliable for irrigation; the river will be a mere stream in the summer, a flood threat in the spring, and toxic.

Already government policies have removed miners and loggers from the area; now the target is ranchers and farmers. One reason California is in such bad shape economically is because of government policies in our rural areas. It's time we stood up and put a stop to any more destruction of our rural communities and their economies.

Be sure to request that the dams NOT be removed.
Next, please forward this message to other people you know will agree with keeping the dams in place. We must let the government know we will not stand for the destruction of rural America and the water rights/property rights of our fellow citizens.

Thank you in advance for you help. Matt Grocott
Please see below for detailed information. Deadline to comment is Nov. 21, 2011 (postmarked)

Write to both:
Bureau of Reclamation
2800 Cottage Way
Sacramento, CA 95825
via fax (916) 978-5055
via email:

Mr. Gordon Leppig
c/o California Department of Fish and Game
619 Second Street
Eureka, CA 95501
via fax (707) 441-2021
via email:

Challenge: How will taking out dams improve water quality? Klamath is naturally warm and polluted up stream
* Area of headwaters is volcanic and rich in minerals, including basalt, magnesium and phosphorus
* System of four dams filters out the minerals and allows the water to cool

Challenge: How will the release of toxic sediment into the river ecosystem, caused by the breaching of the dams, be mitigated?
* Years of built up, toxic sediment will be released
* Toxic sediment will pollute water, banks, riparian plant life, fish and underground aquifers
* Toxicity of river and acquifers may last 100 years or more

Challenge: How will the green, affordable energy currently provided by the four, hydroelectric dams be replaced?
* Existing four dams provide hydroelectric power
* Hydroelectric power is both green and economical
* Current system provides enough electricity to power 70,000 homes

Challenge:How were "stakeholders" determined?
* 40,000 Siskiyou County residents and their local, elected representatives were not included in the Klamath River Dam removal meetings
* Four tribes exist in the Klamath Basin - the Shasta, Karuk, Yurok, and Hupa; the Shasta have been left out of all agreements and their sacred burial grounds will be destroyed when the dams are breached

Challenge: A major impetus for dam removal is concern over the Coho salmon, a non-native species to the Klamath River; why?
* Coho salmon are not native to the Klamath and were planted in the river in the late 1800's
* Coho are not natural to the Klamath and yet millions of fish produced at the Iron Gate fish hatchery are not included in the river population because they are not considered natural
* Coho typically spawn within 30 miles of the ocean; first dam on the Klamath is 187 miles upstream

Salmon breed and grow in cold water near the mouth of the river. During global cooling the salmon will become more prolific. Blowing the dam has nothing to do with salmon.
Bay Area Liberty
Palomares Hills
Castro Valley, California 94552

3. Forward this email to all on your list

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Socialism Alert

Socialism squashes individual freedom
• Socialism eliminates "injustice" by transferring rights and responsibilities from individuals and
families to the State which actually creates injustice
• Socialism destroys true liberty: the freedom to decide all matters that lie within our own
competence and to follow the course shown by our reason, within the laws of morality, including
the dictates of justice and charity.
• Capitalism is strengthened by individualism, excellence and freedom of choice

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________The Tea Party were kicked out of DC Congress when they tried to present a real budget. Read the budget and tell you congressman to stop playing with you children's future. Read More

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There has NEVER been a more important issue than the Islamization of America and our law. America faces “clear and present dangerâ€