Could Murtha lose re-election?

In this era of fear that Republicans are losing the battle for the country’s heart and soul to the likes of Barack Obama and his minions, there is yet cause for hope. This hope comes in the form of political underdog William Russell, a 45-year-old Desert Storm Veteran who threatens to dethrone another Democrat military apologist, Pennsylvania Rep. Jack Murtha.

Russell, who has not been permitted to campaign actively until his active duty with the Army ends today, has managed to raise $670,000 to Murtha’s $119,000. He has already overcome several other hurdles, including relative anonymity and the decision of a Pennsylvania judge that he did not have enough signatures to qualify for the primary ballot. Yet Russell stuck to the fight, managing to collect an 4,000 more signatures, which earned him a spot on the ballot. His campaign, which has survived largely on guts and the support of folks donating under $50, is a true grassroots success story.

While many Republicans have spent precious time and energy trying to repackage the party in order to make it more palatable to the masses, Russell remains unapologetically steadfast in his views. “I am a conservative,â€