Court Upholds Decision To Halt Biden’s Vaccine Mandate: “Staggeringly Overbroad”

By Mike LaChance - November 13, 2021

Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for companies with 100 or more employees has been put on hold by a court for the second time.

Remember, this is the same mandate that Biden and other Democrats said they would never embrace.
The court agrees with opponenets of the mandate.
Newsmax reports:
Federal Appeals Court Affirms Hold on Biden’s Divisive Vax Mandate
A U.S. appeals court on Friday upheld its decision to put on hold an order by President Joe Biden for companies with 100 workers or more to require COVID-19 vaccines, rejecting a challenge by his administration.

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A three-member panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans affirmed its ruling despite the Biden administration’s position that halting implementation of the vaccine mandate could lead to dozens or even hundreds of deaths.
“The mandate is staggeringly overbroad,” the opinion said.
“The mandate is a one-size-fits-all sledgehammer that makes hardly any attempt to account for differences in workplaces (and workers),” Circuit Court Judge Kurt Engelhardt wrote for the panel.
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Vaccine mandates are deeply controversial in the United States. Supporters say they are a must to put an end to the nearly two-year coronavirus pandemic, while opponents argue they violate the U.S. Constitution and curb individual liberty. They also say the mandate threatens to diminish a workforce already grappling with labor shortfalls and major kinks in supply chains.
The Fifth Circuit judges appeared to agree with the opponents.
This is good news. American's want to be free to make decisions for themselves.

Election Wizard

BREAKING: 5th circuit reaffirms stay Biden's vaccine mandate. Court orders OSHA to refrain from implementing or enforcing the mandate.

BREAKING: 5th Circuit Reaffirms Stay of Biden’s Vaccine Mandate
On Friday, a federal appeals court reaffirmed its earlier halt of President Joe Biden's vaccine mandate on private employers...[READ MORE]

7:39 PM · Nov 12, 2021


BREAKING! U.S. federal appeals court affirms hold on Biden's vaccine mandate, calls it "staggeringly overboard".This WHOLE EVIL house of cards is going to FALL. HARD. Thank you Jesus!

7:31 PM · Nov 12, 2021

Biden and Democrats are overreaching. As predicted.

Court Upholds Decision To Halt Biden's Vaccine Mandate: "Staggeringly Overbroad" (